LittleBigPlanet 3
Need players for a race to the stars! I have 2 controllers, need at least one person (with 2 controllers also). Will pro
Archive: 1 posts
2015-04-10 18:24:00 / Author: Megablob
Add me: "Megablob". I will help anyone who adds me, so I follow you to the level, and/or you follow me. All i need is the ace and to beat the race. I am willing to do the swoop-grabs-a-player-and-flies-behind-the-level glitch/exploit if you are willing, and have 2 controllers. either way. I need this level done.
send me a message if you want help also, and i'll go out of my way to help. |
2015-04-10 18:24:00
Author:Megablob Posts: 1
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