LittleBigPlanet 3
[LBP 3] Block Party (Future 2.0 Update suggestions)
Archive: 1 posts
2015-04-12 02:23:00 / Author: petethepug
In the thread
(LBP) Block Party improvements =P. I am planning an idea named Block Party, ovisually the name will be changed, as well music sound effects etc. And I just wanted to know from you guys what should I add as a power up/music song. I mean there's tons of stuff that is added on from LBP 2, from LBP 3. And honestly I want to have things in my level that can outstand them all =). Features =P. You will be included in the credits Be one of the dancers as a on stage character NPC, or Dancer Be thanked from The Hive mini game server, and possibly by others Your work, and help will be appreciated =). (This is if the idea gets added I'm afraid, I want to add everyone on here to my level but I cannot sadly due to the thanuminter, we will try adding as many people as possible ;-;.) That's all I wanted to discuss . |
2015-04-12 02:23:00
Author:petethepug Posts: 67
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