LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
"Father Pyros Symphony Tower" by Father_Pyro
Archive: 6 posts
2013-07-11 03:20:00 / Author: CuriousSack
Hi community,
I'm CuriousSack and today I want to give you a recommendation of a music-level from a highly talented musician! The level is called: "Father Pyro's Symphony Tower" by Father_Pyro looking on the level-description I found this: And this description made me rather curious! Though also a little bit wary too!^^ When entering the level there were two things that surprised me! First the setting! Father_Pyro created a gloomy, dungeon-like tower with different rooms where you can activate the music (about six tunes in each room) you walk from room to room in the way of a platformer and thats been a really funny way to present the music!^^ And then the music itself!^^ Wow!^^ And bravooo! This has been my second surprise!^^ This music has been really fantastic, so many wonderful tunes!^^ In different styles! So I'm sure that everyone who loves music will find there some music that he really likes!^^ After playing his level I read the description once again and to everyone who needs some music I can only say: no need to worry anymore! Go to Father_Pyro and you will get fantastic tunes!^^ Many greetings, Jürgen^^ |
2013-07-11 03:20:00
Author:CuriousSack Posts: 865
2013-07-11 03:45:00 / Author: PyroTrooper91
Awesome, it's queued Also, thanks for the recommendation!
2013-07-11 03:45:00
Author:PyroTrooper91 Posts: 1670
2013-07-11 08:19:00 / Author: dolphins-R-lame
Well the link didnt work for me so heres a new one queued!
2013-07-11 08:19:00
Author:dolphins-R-lame Posts: 869
2013-07-11 12:35:00 / Author: DeKa1357
Looks good! I'll play it after my vacation!
2013-07-11 12:35:00
Author:DeKa1357 Posts: 1806
2013-07-11 12:49:00 / Author: dolphins-R-lame
I really enjoyed the music in this level! I have been listening to it in create modr all day :3
2013-07-11 12:49:00
Author:dolphins-R-lame Posts: 869
2013-08-31 01:00:00 / Author: CuriousSack
Father_Pyro finally got the Tunesday pick, congratulations!^^
Many greetings, Jürgen^^ |
2013-08-31 01:00:00
Author:CuriousSack Posts: 865
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