LBF Music
LBF Music Showcase
LBFMusic Showcase : Episode 3
Archive: 14 posts
2015-03-16 23:00:00 / Author: nerd_dog
Episode 3 is finally here!
It's been quite a long wait for sure. But we finally have the next 3 musicians ready to showcase! xTrilexx adamaniac987 DigiToast I'd like to thankCoffeeChugger94 for help with writing the bios. I hope you enjoy the showcase! link here --> |
2015-03-16 23:00:00
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
2015-03-17 02:26:00 / Author: Woutery
No me 0/10
2015-03-17 02:26:00
Author:Woutery Posts: 211
2015-03-17 03:01:00 / Author: CuriousSack
Hahaha, Woutery, everybody knows that you're making fantastic music, so this is a chance for others today! ...ok, everybody knows that xTrilexx is making fantastic music, so this is a chnace...
...many greetings, Jürgen^^ |
2015-03-17 03:01:00
Author:CuriousSack Posts: 865
2015-03-17 03:48:00 / Author: Pan_Ziemniak
First time when i was dancing to LBP custom music.
2015-03-17 03:48:00
Author:Pan_Ziemniak Posts: 333
2015-03-17 03:59:00 / Author: CuriousSack
Then I should massage my joints and unpack my dancing shoes!
2015-03-17 03:59:00
Author:CuriousSack Posts: 865
2015-03-17 04:32:00 / Author: Sandro8708
Good job, I know that Trillex's music is fantastic, nvr listened to any of the other two, so its queued
2015-03-17 04:32:00
Author:Sandro8708 Posts: 705
2015-03-17 07:06:00 / Author: nerd_dog
yes! all are definitely work checking out!
2015-03-17 07:06:00
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
2015-03-17 10:36:00 / Author: SakuraLBPDragonX
Wow nice showcase!! Good job
2015-03-17 10:36:00
Author:SakuraLBPDragonX Posts: 569
2015-03-17 18:15:00 / Author: nerd_dog
updated because, If you notice, i did put 978 in the font for adamaniac987. i should thank KomodoBrothers for pointing that out. so... woopsie o.o
2015-03-17 18:15:00
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
2015-03-20 03:12:00 / Author: CuriousSack
Yeah, I've visited the hub and listened to all of the music! Its been so amazing! Of course I know xTrilexx as a fantastic composer, but I've totally been surprised of adamaniac987 and also of DigiToast. Great music concentrated in one hub. The different galleries are rather varied in their presentation, thats fun. And the design of the hub is a worthy frame for these great galleries! Thanks a lot for a fine entertainment and many greetings, Jürgen^^
2015-03-20 03:12:00
Author:CuriousSack Posts: 865
2015-03-20 06:44:00 / Author: nerd_dog
I'm glad you enjoyed the episode. One thing I should make clear just so that everyone gets proper credit is, the original showcase hub was designed by OMGYOUWOULD (for anyone that didn't know). i just made a few tweaks to the logic and added or changed a few things.
also, i'd like to hear any suggestions about things that can be changed. visually for the most part. and i'd like to stay somewhat true to the original design any bug reports are appreciated as well |
2015-03-20 06:44:00
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
2015-03-20 14:36:00 / Author: Buddydestruction
Did you finally fix the farthest to the right speaker?
2015-03-20 14:36:00
Author:Buddydestruction Posts: 137
2015-03-20 15:29:00 / Author: nerd_dog
new speakers entirely they look a whole lot more like actual speakers now
2015-03-20 15:29:00
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
2015-03-23 14:54:00 / Author: DigiToast
Oh my wow it's me
thanks guys! im gonna go see which songs you chose lel |
2015-03-23 14:54:00
Author:DigiToast Posts: 12
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