LBF Music
LBF Music Showcase
An introduction to the Showcase!
Archive: 3 posts
2014-05-22 18:58:00 / Author: Festerd_Jester
Greetings, Little Big Musicians!
This is our brand new feature aimed at getting everyone in one place, showcasing our beautiful people and their talents and generally having a good time as one community. Our beloved music community! Our team will be showcasing 3 creators from our music community here at LittleBigForum - and their supplied links every week. All you have to do to be eligible for selection is have a published level dedicated to your music and be a member, no advertising necessary! The MusiCurators will play it just by you joining and filling out the bio in the "Meet the musicians" thread Finally, under no certain terms is this a competition or a spotlight for the great work we all do. This is us, together, showing the whole community who we are! Thanks! And may your day be filled with mad good tunes! |
2014-05-22 18:58:00
Author:Festerd_Jester Posts: 94
2014-06-15 04:29:00 / Author: Festerd_Jester
Just a slight update - In order to achieve a showcase, we have been urged by the powers that be, to stick with original works. As with team picks there can be problem that arise from work that may have copyright protection. This applies to any imagery or sounds you have included in your work. If this project is to work long term and with the support of the developers - We need to adhere to their same standard of practice. I hope you all understand Have yourselves a Merry Chr.. er.. Merry June. Yea..
2014-06-15 04:29:00
Author:Festerd_Jester Posts: 94
2014-07-17 07:30:00 / Author: Festerd_Jester
Another slight update. To make things easier for us here at the forum and also to spread things out a little - We are making this a 2 week feature. There aren't enough musicians just yet to make this a long running thing. Which it should be! So.. yep. Every 2 weeks we will showcase 3 creators.
FJ |
2014-07-17 07:30:00
Author:Festerd_Jester Posts: 94
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