LittleBigForum Archive
Forum Feedback

What I think about LBF

Archive: 2 posts
2013-10-29 02:46:00 / Author: dudley3113
LBF is the best littlebigplanet fan site. LBF has great moderators and admins and I think the website is a lot less confusing then those other fan sites that are overly packed by people. LBF has not to much and not to less posts I could say a lot more great things about LBF but I'm to lazy to type more LBF is the best!
2013-10-29 02:46:00
Posts: 32

2013-10-29 04:57:00 / Author: JellyBellyScout
i think its the best because it has the most active admin and moderators
2013-10-29 04:57:00
Posts: 467
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