LittleBigPlanet 3
[Roughly 15 Fresh-S2] 042 - Klatch
Archive: 2 posts
2018-09-20 23:01:21 / Author: waffleking23
Mornin', mornin' seems that time has slouched about again, hasn't it? This week we're having a look at: Down in the Pumpkin Patch - drstixx12 On The Hill - dannymitch2008 swoop's "tree" house - Samho168 Mr. YellowHead's 2D Adventure - tacoman2004 An American Diner and the Grand Neon Tree - SkullerFin One of our standard, eclectic mixes this go about. Nothing terrible, one really good one, and the rest ranging from "ummm...ok" to "yeah, that's pretty well done." Hopefully at least one of them really catches your eye, tickles your fancy, looks appealing to you...that kind of thing. Thanks as always for all the support and feedback, folks, it means a lot to me. Hope you all have a great day now! Behind the Curtains Stuffs i've woken up exactly just too late to catch lsrs today, which, to be honest, i've pretty much resigned myself to. Got today's episode wrapped at a reasonable hour (if a week later than i'd like), so...yeah... The stream actually didn't break yesterday, which was nice. Also, chat seems to be working again, so i don't have to keep glancing over at my laptop to keep up with what people are saying. We had a bit of a lively one, which i always appreciate. SirMonacle has returned from whichever climes they'd been haunting, and mdkd99 made an appearance as well. All in all quite a good time on my end. We've finally got Manny back from Infernus! Yay! i had a good time putting together the intro piece this go about, though as always, there really wasn't enough time to get in all the story i'd had in mind. Feel bad about Lucretia in particular, her dialogue got chopped down to two lines. But needs must when the devil drives, no? i'll have to have them in the intro next week to fill things out a bit. This week's title card is, i think, one of my favourites. It didn't turn out entirely how i wanted (they never do, do they?), but even still. i like the idea of there being a cafe/bar staffed by forgotten video game characters. i imagine i'd be run by Asagi. That reminds me, i really ought to finally have a long sit down with Disgaea5. We're down to the final 10episodes of the season folks. Hard to credit, isn't it? Also, because it's early enough to be dumb, a picture of myself at...20? Somewhere around there, i guess. |
2018-09-20 23:01:21
Author:waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 342
2018-09-24 19:49:50 / Author: waffleking23
Woop. It's super early Tuesday Takeaway time!
Down in the Pumpkin Patch - drstixxs12 The environment and atmosphere are the main selling points here. There's a good material selection, and i do like how the platforms make some kind of diegetic sense. the gameplay is...well, when you get down to it, it's pretty slight. You've only got those rotating bits, and that's about it for the platforming. There are the Blink Ball and Power Glove bits, but there's not really much to hang a hat on there. Still, it's a nice Autumn-flavoured walk, and i can appreciate that. On The Hill - dannymitch2008 It's a pretty good level for a second creation, i have to give it that. Pretty slight on directions, but it manages to build a pretty cohesive (if early 90s video game-esque) environment. Could use a bit of decoration, perhaps, but that's not a deal breaker. The cave bit was nice, and the access to it was well-handled. The elephant in the room is jumping off those sponge bits. Man do they get real frustrating real quick. The one we saw in the video, and a later set of three rotating ones, a spaced with barely any wiggle room. swoop's "tree" house - Samho168 i don't know what's up with those quotes. It's a tree. Unless we're getting needlessly pedantic and saying that since it's a representation of a tree in a video game it's not the real thing. Which is a viable read, but then house should be in quotes as well. i don't really think Samho168 was thinking that deeply about it, though. Our new assistant area manager (who is pretty much a muppet) has put up signs in the break rooms reminding us teachers to put on our "genki" face (yes, with the quotes in the original) before we enter the classroom. This probably says more about me than him, but it makes me incandescently angry every time i see it. Mr. YellowHead's 2D Adventure - tacoman2004 Not an awful lot to say about this one. i like seeing creators try something a little different, and this one fits that bill. At the same time, i think it could use a bit more time in the oven. There's just too much of a gap between hitting X and actually pulling off the jump. The level is pretty short, but it works as a test of concept, in the end. An American Diner and the Grand Neon Tree - SkullerFin Alright, just to get it out of the way, the song can just go to hell. We're clear on that by this point, right? Ok. This one is a perfect snapshot of one of my favourite types of environments in LBP. Using something real-world as a jumping off point to make something weird and lively, but still having a strong cohesion to it. The gameplay is mostly solid, though there are a few bits i'm a bit iffy on. i'm not really sure how much control you have over that purple velocaraptor bit. i'm willing to forgive that much. Also, something that often gets overlooked, but, the length is a really good match for the pace. So, that's the that for this week. We've got good, bad(ish), ugly, and weird, so...pretty much a full house. Or a royal flush? Or, i dunno, something like that. Hope there was something here you found fun. Thanks for all the support and feedback and have a great day! Behind the Curtains Stuffs Remember Overgrown Tank from (ostensibly) ItsVoltz? Well, yeah, actually that's Overgrown Tank from VeryCoolMe. i grind my teeth almost constantly. Oh...not over this, but it doesn't help. Went to VCM's to let them know their level'd been klept, and...i don't really get up into LBP-drama, but there seems to be some kind of drama going on there. Ah well... i don't think i mentioned this, but we finally got the triple save file clear in Isaac (at least on the PC). The problem is, for a while there, i was recording 3episodes a day, so the actual episode that happens won't come up until Oct 11th, i think? Also, i've got so many episodes in the backlog, i pretty much can't record any more. We wrapped Axiom Verge on...i think it was Saturday? Yeah, must have been Saturday. Anyhow, i found myself having less and less fun as the game progressed. i mean, the streaming side was fun; no problems there. But the affectations and nods toward old-school Metroid? They get pretty old, pretty quick. Missing a jump and falling down two or three screens? Getting absolutely lost because there's a single block of lava you need to glitch out to actually progress (when you don't need to do that at any other point in the game)? the end, i was pretty happy to see the backside of this one. Will have to think of what game to do for our next long-form. Hopefully something i actually already have, since i'm pretty well broke (that forced 10day vacation we had in August? Yeah, that peeled about 300bucks of my paycheck...whee...). |
2018-09-24 19:49:50
Author:waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 342
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