LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3

[Roughly 15 Fresh-S2] 041 - Lunkhead

Archive: 2 posts
2018-09-13 23:09:49 / Author: waffleking23
Ossu! Good morning all! It's that time again!

This week we're having a look at:

Moonshine's Castle of Dreams - CrazyCatQueen
Lumberwood - AlpiPynnonen
Relaxing Concept - SweetGingerAle
Kamitorii No Hikyou - PAZUDORAb
Billy's Toybox - aveman101

It's an oddly chill set of levels this go about, not a lot of high-stress, high-danger, but that can be nice too sometimes. Hopefully there'll be something in the lot that looks right for you. Thanks as always for all the support and feedback, and have a great day!

Behind the Curtains Stuffs
Got everything wrapped early enough that i couldn't really justify staying up for lsrs's stream, which is a shame, i had a good time with it last week. Still, the extra 4hours of sleep was well appreciated.

My own stream is chugging along well enough, barring technical difficulties like the connection dropping out like yesterday. i'm...kind of enjoying Axiom Verge, though sometimes it really is too obtuse for it's own good. i've been doing well enough not going to FAQs, but we may need to soon so i don't have to spend another episode mostly stumbling around in the dark (though, at least we got a lot of the map explored, and picked up a bunch of optional, but helpful stuff).

i'm going to see Meg today...i don't really know if that's a good thing or not, to be honest.
2018-09-13 23:09:49
Posts: 342

2018-09-17 20:37:27 / Author: waffleking23
Ossu! Another early morning Tuesday's Takeaway!

Moonshine's Castle of Dreams - CrazyCatQueen
This is a fun little trip down memory lane, here. The gameplay is really reminiscent of LBP1, in mostly good ways. Though, like we said in the episode, the sparseness of decoration calls back fairly strongly as well. i forgot to mention in the episode, but there is one little wonky bit of gameplay in the level: there's this tree bit where the platforms disappear Mega Man-style. They're not hard to get through, but there doesn't seem to be a particular cue or tell to let you know when they'll start to go.

Lumberwood - AlpiPynnonen
Yeah, the monsters are big and goofy looking, but they've definitely got a simple charm to them. The environment is quite nicely-done, particularly for a creator who doesn't have many levels under their belt (though, of course, there could be a lot on there moon we're not seeing). The gameplay isn't all that flash, but it keeps you moving well enough. i managed to get up on top of the wheeled monster this go about to grab that extra score bubble. That was kind of neat.

Relaxing Concept - SweetGingerAle
Screwing up the puzzle in the episode was very, very dumb on me; not that these things don't happen from time to time. The camera in the upper area is pulled out by necessity, but it can make your Sackthing a bit tough to parse. i liked the weird randomness of the design here, it works strangely well with the Gardens background for some reason. i really wish the level had been fleshed out more, though. It's kind of more a Teaser, than a fully developed thing.

Kamitorii no Hikyou - PAZUDORAb
i forgot to mention that "pazudora" is what they call Puzzles & Dragons over here, maybe that's a thing everyone knows. It can be really hard to tell what's common knowledge. i don't know what was going on with this one today, but i was having a lot of trouble with layers and i kept jumping and expecting to be pushed back a layer, only to fall into some gap or another. Also...surely that one bit we saw in the episode was supposed to have lighting, right? Also, also, plank bridges with wide gaps can take a nice long walk off a very short pier.

Billy's Toybox - aveman101
The big story here is that the version we looked at was stolen. Wish i'd known that before it was too late to edit the video, though at least i've changed the links. i think we covered everything i'd wanted to say in the video and my feelings on the level haven't changed. Which is not to say it's bad or anything like that; quite the opposite, it's great fun, with a very solid presentation throughout. Definitely worth a play or two.

And that's the that this week. Hopefully there was something in there you had a good time with. Thanks for all the support, and have yourselves a great day!

Behind the Curtains Stuffs
The Meg was terrible. Not even terrible in a fun way. Terrible in a slogging, draggy way where you don't care who lives or dies, you just kind of want the credits to start rolling already. That might just be me, but i'd recommend saving your money, yeah.
2018-09-17 20:37:27
Posts: 342
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