LittleBigPlanet 3
[Roughly 15 Fresh-S2] 032 - Unmask
Archive: 2 posts
2018-07-12 23:00:49 / Author: waffleking23
Ossu! Firday's come around again, so here we are for another go! This time about we're having a look at: Switch - SlurmMacKenzie Deadly Dungeon - kavonte1226 Monstrum Swamp - gigiomd Space grappling - SkrewAttk318 Dungeon Day 2: Moonlight City - Benj21000 Switch...Switch...Switch...wasn't expecting it to get picked up so quickly, so you probably all already know about that. Still, it's a good 'un. It's actually a pretty good set-list all around this week. Some of the levels could use a little work and polish, but there still should be something fun in there for you to play. Thanks as always for the feedback and support, and have a great day! Behind the Curtains Stuffs Err...did you know you can scroll out on the map in Gravity Rush 2? i mean, i think i did know that, i just never thought there'd be sidequests or stuff hanging out in some of the other areas. Whoops. And we were doing so well keeping everything nice and tidy too. |
2018-07-12 23:00:49
Author:waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 342
2018-07-16 22:57:24 / Author: waffleking23
Alright, then, it's Tuesday, it's Takeaway!
Switch - SlurmMacKenzie Just a great level all around. The gameplay is so nice and fluid, and keeps you moving pretty much the whole time. What really sold it for me was the simple conceit that, yes, all the elements to move when you hit switches. It's just a really nice, really neat effect. There're a couple of areas where you can get a pretty good look at what's going on in the back, and i just kept jumping through switches just to see things get triggered. Seriously, neat city. Slurm did a great job with this one, and i really want the time to look at Neons. Deadly Dungeon - kavonte1226 Yeah, this was pretty much what we thought of it when we played for the episode. i really like the environment, aside from the water aspect of it. i think i was a little more forgiving of the look of the enemies this go about. Checkpoint placement definitely needs some work, and dealing with the flaming bloke was, again, a bit a pain. Thanks to the way LBP handles object physics, when i dropped it this time, the flaming bits just kept on bouncing up and down forever. That angled bounce pad bit at the end, that was pretty weird. So, basically, you have to bounce at an angle into the far wall, which is bouncy itself, use the momentum from that to run back to the bounce pad, and this time it'll send you high enough to get to the next area of's a weird way of handling things. Monstrum Swamp - gigiomad This 'un's definitely fun enough, and aside from that weird bit we saw in the first video, it's all pretty smooth. It's just the washed-out look that brings it down; it's really hard to see some of the gameplay elements, especially toward the end of things. Speaking of the end of the level, there's an area where you have an option to trigger a checkpoint that's way out of the way from the direction you're heading. It's such a weird placement choice, and it probably could've been scooted up closer to where you were actually going. Space Grappling - SkrewAttk318, i still have no idea what was going on with this one. Was it a force-chip? Material tweaked to be bouncy, and then be destroyed when it's been touched once? i've got no idea. Oh, that bit on the top we went back to in the video, that looked like it might have some kind of secret? Yeah, that was just batteries. Dungeon Day 2: Moonlight City - Benj21000 i'm not a huge fan of the overall look of the level, it's a little too blocky and slabby for me. Aside from that, though, this one's really really cool. i don't remember the last time we've played a real explorer-type level. the power-ups are doled out at a good rate, and i like the way they're implemented, and how they change areas you've already been in. Still don't know how to get to the last two treasures, but that just gives me a reason to come back some day and figure it out. So, that's the that. i'm pretty happy with this set-list, really. Even Space Grappling has a kind of charm to it. Hopefully there was something in there that caught your eye, and you wanted to play. Thanks as always for all the support and feedback, and, as always, have a great day! Behind the Curtains Stuffs The next time i make the claim that we're getting back on our production schedule, you have my permission to come to Japan and punch me right in the face. Now if we're actually on our production schedule, that offer's not valid, but otherwise.'s kind of a jag. So, i've got a whole new and interesting problem to deal with at the moment. So, that's fun. i may not actually get my vacation. i'll get the time off, everyone's getting that 'cause the schools will be closed. Actually using that time, though, is kind of up in the air. Wheeeee. Still, life is mostly good. The streams are going well, which is kind of shocking, considering the schedule. Thanks to everyone who's been showing up, and i look forward to seeing y'all on Thursday! |
2018-07-16 22:57:24
Author:waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 342
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