LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Little big planet 2 won't load
Archive: 4 posts
2018-06-16 00:39:10 / Author: sanfoxer
I'm having trouble getting passed the startup screen. all it will do is just sit on the same screen..infinity loading. Is there any fix for this?
2018-06-16 00:39:10
Author:sanfoxer ![]() Posts: 55
2018-06-16 05:27:14 / Author: mdkd
Do you have any glitched objects in the popit? If one is used, does the CD have massive scratches? Are you playing on the newest version?
If something takes really long to load, it tries to load something that isn't on the same path so it searches the file. Or it just takes long because something on your PS3 is malfunctioning. Keep us updated! |
2018-06-16 05:27:14
Author:mdkd ![]() Posts: 1856
2018-06-16 11:08:29 / Author: sanfoxer
I was able to pass is 3 times but it took forever to load anything but I used that chance to delete game crashing glitches from my popit. That didn't help much so I thought deleting downloadable content would help and it kinda did. But there are corrupted files on my system and when I try delete them it takes forever to delete. There's no scratches on the CD and it is up to date
2018-06-16 11:08:29
Author:sanfoxer ![]() Posts: 55
2018-06-18 04:57:17 / Author: mdkd
Many corrupted files? Looks like that could be the problem. Try to delete them and wait for a 10 minutes. If there is a error code, google the error code, maybe on Sony Forums there are answers to that problem.
2018-06-18 04:57:17
Author:mdkd ![]() Posts: 1856
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