LittleBigPlanet 3
[Roughly 15 Fresh - S2] 014 - Mandrake
Archive: 7 posts
2018-03-01 23:00:50 / Author: waffleking23
Guten Morgen! The time comes around again! This week we're having a look at: Construction at Needlepoint - bcandfina Frantic Fire Station - Crystal_Craft_HD The Gardens - kenbran Cardboard World - Erick-The-Human Bob's Anti-Gravity Castle 6 - the_pavs This was a really frustrating set to record, actually. The levels themselves were pretty decent, but i ran into so much lag/load it wasn't even funny. It was a bit more forgiving the second/third times around, so that may have been on my end; except for one level that has its own particular issue. Anyhow, i hope there's something here that catches your eye, and you have fun playing. Thanks as always for all the feedback and support, and i hope y'all have a fine day! Behind the Curtains Stuffs Someone on YouTube had asked me to mute the sound in the PiPs because having two layered music tracks was particularly aggravating. My own hearing has never been all that great, so i hadn't noticed; but it seemed a fair enough request, and i said, "sure, no biggie." Aaannnd...completely forgot about doing so until waking up this morning (this, of course, after getting everything all uploaded and scheduled and whatwhat). This is why i get up around 5a every morning. Blitzed on production yesterday, got myself set as fair as Isaac, and finished the set-up for the hub for the outro of Ep. 014; have most of the day to myself today, so getting the whole of it wrapped is do-able. i'd like to get an episode of LBsP in as well, but i'm not making any promises. |
2018-03-01 23:00:50
Author:waffleking23 Posts: 342
2018-03-02 09:03:06 / Author: mdkd
A lot of cardboard levels lately, huh?
2018-03-02 09:03:06
Author:mdkd Posts: 1856
2018-03-03 07:50:09 / Author: DeKa1357
Cardboard is awesome! I also have some ideas for a cardboard level.
Great video and selection as always! |
2018-03-03 07:50:09
Author:DeKa1357 Posts: 1806
2018-03-04 04:06:53 / Author: Biorogue
I'm particularly fond of cardboard levels myself. Good show man!
2018-03-04 04:06:53
Author:Biorogue Posts: 580
2018-03-04 07:13:29 / Author: mdkd
My cardboard race level had 1000 plays after one or two weeks. People are interested. Neat.
I actually still have to watch the episode. |
2018-03-04 07:13:29
Author:mdkd Posts: 1856
2018-03-05 22:26:40 / Author: waffleking23
Thanks everyone! Also, in the right hands, Cardboard is awesome. i don't know if these hands were the right ones, though.
Ossu! Tuesday Takeaway time! Construction at Needlepoint - bcandfina To be honest, i didn't go through this level this morning. Not risking a game crash (and the attendant possibility of profile corruption). This is a bit of a shame, because i really liked what i saw of the level. It's got a nice enough aesthetic, even though i wasn't thrilled with the teleportation aspect of it. Frantic Fire Station! - Crystal_Craft_HD Meh...this one was basically meh. It's not bad, exactly, but it doesn't really do all that much, either. Figured out (accidentally) that you can get yourself killed with the Power-up, if you're standing too close to whatever you're shooting at. i completely forgot the camera shake halfway through the level when i did the outro, even though i called it out during the level recording itself. The Gardens - kenbran i liked the visual presentation of this one, but it's pretty clear at this point that i'm a sucker for things that look like they're cobbled together and set in the real world, like a kid's play-set. Falls apart when you get to the gameplay, though. The elastic bridge bits were pretty wonky, particularly the one directly following the red slide. Don't know what was up with the race gate, but we've seen that one before (amusingly in Shake, Shake, Shake, which got picked up as a LotD recently). It's that angled bounce pad bit that really grinds the level to a halt. Maybe it's just me, but i could not get the right angle just to get past that without 15 or 16 deaths. Cardboard World - Erick_The_Human Yeeeeaaah....this was, eh...what do you say about it? It's a level, maybe an early level. Certainly has a lot of those hallmarks. Big, floating platforms. Unconnected play elements. Play elements that are under-utilized, or unnecessary. Bob's Anti-Gravity Castle 6 - the_pavs the_pavs actually got inn touch with me about this one, apparently there's a trick where you pull in the line as soon as you grapple something to get more momentum. This was apparently well-known at some point (and to be honest may well still be). i had no idea, and even after getting the head's up, wasn't really able to consistently pull it off, but at least the level feels well more fair this go about. They did put in an extra grappling hook, though i'm not sure why they put it up near the switch, as opposed to in front of the Checkpoint. They also put a hint up at the beginning of the level, which was a nice touch. i look forward to seeing what the_pavs comes out with next. So, that's the that. Some good, some meh, and one weird question-mark disappointment. Hopefully there's something that caught your eye, and that you found fun. Thanks as always for all the support and feedback, and i hope you have a great day! Behind the Curtains Stuffs Ahh...i don't even know where to start. i spent all Friday trying to record an outro to episode 014 that i actually liked. This should have been a sign that i really needed to be doing about anything else with my time at that moment. i finally got something that, if push comes to shove, i can use; but it feels more like the least bad, rather that best of the lot. On the positive side, the hub/intro for 015 is mostly done. We're half-way through the dialogue, at least. i did notice that sackbot movement has been way easier for me lately. It's normal, i know, for motivation to wax and wane. That being said, i've been feeling increasingly burnt-out and flaky recently. Not really about the series(es), this is more outside stuff bleeding in. Maybe my mind is grinding out the last of the Winter-hibernation feeling, since Spring is pretty clearly on the way here. Not that we ever really got a Winter, mind you. Maybe that's it, the constant feeling that things are almost-changing, but they never really do; so i fall into this increasingly stressful holding pattern. i don't know. Something, something, whatever. People we're chattering about Annihilation over on, so i picked up The Southern Reach trilogy for my Kindle. i think it's the first completely new thing i've read in a long time (as opposed to new things from authors i already follow). Just finished reading it last night, and it was really good. House of Leaves meets The Colour Out of Space? The King in Yellow via True Detective? Backwoods Majestic-12? Something like that. i quite liked it, at least. It's weird and...intimate. Worth a look, yeah. |
2018-03-05 22:26:40
Author:waffleking23 Posts: 342
2018-03-06 06:04:58 / Author: mdkd
Thanks for the work!
2018-03-06 06:04:58
Author:mdkd Posts: 1856
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