LittleBigPlanet 3
[Roughly 15 Fresh - S2] 011 - Kilowatt
Archive: 4 posts
2018-02-15 23:00:59 / Author: waffleking23
Ossu! Got another one coming up for all ya katz and katzenjammers!
http:// This week we'll be having a look at: Snow Dream - papabobo777 Sweet winter dream - Iced_Chai2010 The Tower of Silence - alexsiro Electro Shock - kissmyself colo colo ball - Lorococo It's an odd, fun set; no real clunkers in the lot. There ought to be something there that catches your eye. At least i hope there is. Thanks for all the feedback and support. Have a great day now, yeah? Behind the Curtains Stuffs Come on! Really, now. See...i'd figured Sweet winter dream was going to get the LotD nod, and i'd made my peace with that. Wasn't going to be salty about it, 'cause the downside of starting to put together an episode one to two weeks before it'll be published is that sometimes they'll just take off in the interim; and Sweet winter dream went bang just about when i recorded it. So...okay. Then i wake up this morning and Tower of Silence has got the LotD know, as it does, after setting there for about 2years at a couple hundred plays. *slow clap* Well played, Sumo ComMan, well played. Look...i know it's just ego, but...fine, whatever. *Quietly seethes* We got Pam back this episode, and finally had Stella on, and that was fun. Back in December, i'd had the idea of doing an LBsP story episode, with Pam, Stella, and Mei shopping for a wedding dress on one side, and Frank, Me, and Naoki picking out suits on the other. The joke was going to be us guys talking about marriage stuff, and the gals talking about what brand of monofilament wire would be best if you need to garrote your way through an enemy base. Yes, yes, i know it would've been as cliche as heck, but it would have also fit the characters. Also, it would have amused me, which is the important thing. Never did get around to doing that though. Lack of time plus a bit of laziness. We might have an LBsP tutorial episode today, but i'm not sure (a) if it's actually necessary, and (b) how i want to set it up. Also (c), if i'll actually have time for it today. Thinking of publishing a gallery level for some of the stuff that we've looked at so far in the show. It would require me to go and clearly label all the logic bits i've used, and set up a guide, and all dunno...maybe? |
2018-02-15 23:00:59
Author:waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 342
2018-02-19 22:34:25 / Author: waffleking23
Ossu, Tuesday Takeaway time, whee!
Snow Dream - papabobo777 This one stayed basically what it was, a straightforward, competently put-together Oddsock platformer. i realize that sounds like a backhanded complement but, i don't really have a large sample size to work from. Also, sometimes that's all you really need. Do wish the updraft in that moving platform area was a bit more obvious, not knowing it's there makes that bit really awkward. Sweet Winter Dream - Iced_Chai2010 i think this may be one of the few times a creator has taken some of my advice and made changes in their level, which felt nice. Things were a little more clearly presented, and they took out the sharks in that one bit which was probably for the best, those hit boxes were really weird. One thing i noticed, but forgot to mention in the video was, for all their shout-outs to LBP 1 and 2, there isn't anything for LBP3, which i found amusing and fitting. As much as i love LBP3 as a creation tool, and for the community levels it's brought us, it's frankly almost soulless in its lack of character. The Tower of Silence - alexsiro i don't think i could gush much more about this one than i did in the episode. It just hits so many of my good buttons. i am actually pleased it got the LotD (It's one of the few crossover picks that i actually agree with, not to put on airs). Electro Shock - kissmyself You've got to have a fair level of stones to pick a screen name like that and rock it like, whatevs. Good on you kissmyself. This is another one that hits a lot of my "play me" buttons. Nice and clear what you're supposed to do, so all the challenge is in the "can you do it?" i...was not able to do it this morning. The brain was not communicating with the fingers very well. colo colo ball - Lorococo i'm glad i played this one, but at the same time, i can'T really say it's in my wheelhouse. Probably would have been better to have on LBsP, but the mini-game aspect didn't click until i was actually set to record, and by then i was committed to the set list. Still wonder how this one works with more than one player. i can imagine each player getting control of one platform, but that still leaves an odd player out if you've got a part of four. So, that's the that. All in all not a bad set. Even the "worst" of the lot had a lot of charm, and is worth a good look at. Hopefully something here stood out for you and gave you a good time. Thanks as always for the support, and have a great day! Behind the Curtains Stuffs Harumph...ok, so...episode 012 is wrapped but for the PiPs, so we're good there. Got the hub half set-up for episode 013, and half-built for episode 014 (doing another little field trip, so i figured i'd do some of the set-up early). So all that's mostly good. The levels for 013 are recorded, but...there was a lot of lag/load during, and that leaves me with a little bit of a quandry. On the one hand, is it fair to keep them? All the loading doesn't really show them at their best. On the other it may not be the fault of the levels, so it's not exactly fair to cut them either. Speaking of system issues. My profile's corrupted about 6or 7 times since Friday. This after not having it come up but maybe once or twice in the year prior. i'm not sure what to make of that, except to be nervous. i've got the profile backed up, but...if there's something already wrong with the profile...well... Ooh...i know maybe i can delete my profile and try again. Sorry...that advice always rubs me kind of wrong. |
2018-02-19 22:34:25
Author:waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 342
2018-02-19 22:57:15 / Author: mdkd
Your reviews are fair. Good job!
Yeah, LBP3 didn't deliver the same feeling from the other games of the series when it comes to the story. At least for me. They definitely tried a lot of cool things, but the story mode resets itself on PS4 for some reason. And I don't want to play the first levels again. They weren't that enjoyable in my opinion. Well, basically I ignore the story mode of LBP3 because of it's bugs. Woah, 7 times in such a short time? I had 1 profile corruption in LBP3 and that was on the PS3. No profile corruption on PS4 though. I think I am very lucky. Well, I hope you can make it work somehow. |
2018-02-19 22:57:15
Author:mdkd ![]() Posts: 1856
2018-02-22 21:07:56 / Author: waffleking23
Yeah, don't know what was up, but i was just crashing out all over the place. It's leveled off for the moment at least (amusingly after i made my hard backups).
2018-02-22 21:07:56
Author:waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 342
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