LittleBigPlanet 3
[Roughly 15 Fresh - S2] 005 - Elucidate
Archive: 2 posts
2018-01-04 23:00:49 / Author: waffleking23
Right then folks, back again for a fresh installment here! This week we're having a look at: Go Go Boost Boots Panic! - pinkygurl Back In The Land of Frost - pcgt06 Mt.Chocolate - Al-Void400 spliced - pepitoelcojo Te Waonui o Tane - Aratiatia A pretty fair amount of fun, and even the clunky levels weren't terrible. Hopefully there'll be something in the set to catch your eye. As always, thanks for all the support, and have a great day! Behind the Curtain Stuffs Not too much to say, really. i should have gotten the PiPs done sooner for this week's episode, but it didn't really come back and bite me in the bum, so i guess that's ok. i'm going to take care of 006's PiPs right now, since i have the time. Today's the last day of my vacation's funny, i suppose. Usually, when i have a long break, by the end i feel like i've had enough, and am ready to get back to work. Not this time, this time i've just got a low-grade antipathy at the prospect. Probably means i've overstayed at this job (14years now). |
2018-01-04 23:00:49
Author:waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 342
2018-01-08 22:31:52 / Author: waffleking23
Ossu! Is it really? Is it Tuesday Takeaway? Yes! Yes it is.
Go Go Boost Boots Panic!!! - pinkygurl Yar...the monkeybars. They just kill the heck out of the momentum. The rest of it is fun enough, and some of it is quite tricky, but i had a good enough time here. i'm not entirely sure the Floaty Fluid and Hoverboard were really all that necessary, though. The level's not the prettiest, but i think you're supposed to be moving quickly enough to not really notice it. Back In The Land of Frost - pcgt06 Ahh...i don't want to rag on this level, it's clear the creator had a fair amount of enthusiasm putting it together, but it's really not all that great in the end. It's a bit over crammed with the power-ups, and aside from the Meltinator, they don't see much use. The level feels pretty empty, and it's not really helped by the decorative style. Still, having said all that, i'm not sure that i could do much better. Mt.Chocolate - Al-Void400 i do appreciate a fairly straight-forward platformer from time to time, and that's what we get here. It's not really pushing the envelope in the design or logic, but it accomplishes what it sets out to do pretty well. Like i mentioned in the video, i wasn't entirely enamoured with how they handled the climbing, but like "Antonio's Magic Dimension," it's generally contained enough that it's not going to be confusing, but it is pretty annoying. spliced - pepitoelcojo i like how this level starts off so much, the end really stings all the more. The design and materials are great. i liked those expanding blocks, as tricky as they are, and the music is really keen. But then, it just ends in this blocky chunk of meh. Also, weird thing, and probably my brain misfiring, but i don't remember having a grappling hook when i played for the episode...i'm going to have to rewatch it. i did have one this go around, but it didn't really help with the expando-blocks, and once i died, it was gone for good. Te Waonui o Tane - Aratiatia Man...this is such a neat little level, and you can feel the love the creator had for it while creating. It's such a shame that Sumo never got dThermo to work like it was supposed to, because this one just gets slammed with load/lag on account of it. Saa...i suppose even angels have flaws. There's still one secret that i have left to find, and i think i may actually sit through the loading one more time to try and do it. It's a shameful thing, but basically everything i know about NZ comes from BrainDead and Heavenly Creatures, which, to be honest, are much better movies than the LotR series. Yeah, i said it, but frankly, they've stayed in my mind much longer than LotR has. So, that's the that. Nothing showing up this week was particularly bad, and i had a pretty good time playing through everything. Hopefully you had some fun with these as well. As always, thanks for all the support, and i hope you have a great day! Behind the Curtain Stuffs So...i had an early shift yesterday, and at a school that's way farther out than the one i usually teach at, and no one told me. So, that was cool. Luckily my paranoia is enough that i'd checked my schedule early, just to be safe, but it did mean that my Monday was basically scrapped for any production, and that kind of sucks. It shouldn't put me off my schedule too much, i don't think the hub for episode 007 will require anything too complex, but it does mean there probably won't be an LBsP until Thursday, maybe. Had fun introducing Honoka and Manny this week. i don't know how long they'll be sticking around, probably at least a month or so. i wanted to try out some new characters, but i didn't want to introduce someone completely new, if that makes sense? We'll have to find out what happened to their friend, beyond the fact that i didn't really want to juggle 3characters (4 if you include myself as a character) in the hub at the same time. |
2018-01-08 22:31:52
Author:waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 342
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