LittleBigForum Archive

LittleBigPlayers - Grown-ups?

Archive: 10 posts
2013-11-17 15:31:00 / Author: DebonaireToast
Hello Everybody!

Now that we're allowed more friends on our friends list, it has become even more important to me to fill my list with players closer to my own age. Not that I don't enjoy the company of the friends I have that are young.. it is just that I'd like to have a bit more in common with some of the people on my list.

If you are a LBP'er over the age of 25 or so, please PSN message me or send me a friend request!
2013-11-17 15:31:00
Posts: 11

2013-11-18 10:03:00 / Author: Darkrodent
:/ sorry, but you've no hope, everyone who is even on lbf is about 14 .
2013-11-18 10:03:00
Posts: 75

2013-11-18 10:26:00 / Author: FreddyFerrari
I wouldn't say that. I guess there are some older members
2013-11-18 10:26:00
Posts: 853

2013-11-18 13:29:00 / Author: deathmachine579
2013-11-18 13:29:00
Posts: 113

2013-11-19 02:38:00 / Author: Darkrodent
Well they wouldn't play much lbp2 anymore..
2013-11-19 02:38:00
Posts: 75

2013-11-19 11:26:00 / Author: DeKa1357
LBP is a game for the whole family! Children and adults! So I think you'll find some players in your age!
2013-11-19 11:26:00
Posts: 1806

2013-11-19 16:45:00 / Author: JellyBellyScout
i think a game like littlebigplanet geared towards an adult audience would be more fun, there would be A LOT more good creators. because there is no denying the adult players are the best creators. and people like latin player wouldn't have lasted a week

and i'm 14 no adult bias
2013-11-19 16:45:00
Posts: 467

2013-11-20 03:07:00 / Author: Deleted User
Why do you think that adult players are the best creators? People learn faster when they are younger, not older.
It is right that if the majority of players weren't so immature then people like latin player wouldn't cause that much problem. But I still think there would be some younger players in the list of the best creators.
2013-11-20 03:07:00
Deleted User
Posts: 819

2013-11-20 04:24:00 / Author: JellyBellyScout
well, littlebigplanet used to be a lot better, you could win prizes like a 3d tv. and now people get excited over a pixel crown. The spammers really did kill this game. and over the years levels have gotten worse because the best creators aren't making levels anymore, most of them happen to be adults.

because if i go into create mode with a random there is an 80% chance their going to put down a sackbot singing what does the fox say, sing along for 15 minutes, copy what i made in those 15 minutes, and cry when they get kicked.
2013-11-20 04:24:00
Posts: 467

2013-11-20 20:14:00 / Author: DebonaireToast
Should I start trying to guess the ages of who responded off-topic and derailed my honest question into some irrelevant discussion of the way LBP used to be or should be?

This was a post trying to find anyone over the age of 25, or close. It is not the place for nearly every single post that was made in reply. Please.. if you don't meet the age I was looking for, just don't reply as there are plenty of other places for you to discuss all of these things brought up here.
2013-11-20 20:14:00
Posts: 11
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