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Archive: 1 posts
2018-01-02 21:34:54 / Author: No one You Know
I'm new to this forum but I have been playing LBP since around 2012 when my friend introduced me to LBP2. I used to find the adverts terrifying before then when they came on TV, but now it's my favourite video game series of all time. I don't know why I have never come here before, but I found this forum searching for 10th anniversary things. None of my levels are very good but I have spent a lot of time reverse engineering things that I had for off of dive-inners etc or friends messing around in create mode and bringing out things they had captured. That's what I love about LBP, you can make really complex things just like in real life. I learnt quite a bit just figuring out the few things I did. I think I will try and actually make a really good level for the 10th anniversary of LBP. I have got about a year to make it, but I have been thinking about this for years. I wonder if my friend would help but he only seems to play CoD now and claims his PS3 is broken.
2018-01-02 21:34:54
Author:No one You Know ![]() Posts: 3
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