LittleBigPlanet 3
Full Version of Moonsider is out!
Archive: 3 posts
2017-11-20 04:59:29 / Author: VegaWest87
Version 1.0.1 just released today! Much more features than what the demo offered!
2017-11-20 04:59:29
Author:VegaWest87 ![]() Posts: 42
2017-11-20 07:08:30 / Author: mdkd
Great news!
- If I'm done with BWZ3 I'll play your level for sure! |
2017-11-20 07:08:30
Author:mdkd ![]() Posts: 1856
2017-12-03 06:40:06 / Author: VegaWest87
A new update? A new look! Moonsider will get an official title screen menu! Here you can access: Story Mode: Out There Settings and Moons (Worlds you’ll create) Moons will be a randomly generated moons with completely different layouts so chose a file and survive! Much more will arrive too! Moonsider Version 1.0.2 |
2017-12-03 06:40:06
Author:VegaWest87 ![]() Posts: 42
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