Total Newbie on LBF, but not on LBP.
Archive: 5 posts
2017-11-10 15:48:42 / Author: speedyg1973
I’ve been playing the franchise since it’s release back in 2008. It’s weird I didn’t come here before but I’m here now.
Hola ... |
2017-11-10 15:48:42
Author:speedyg1973 Posts: 8
2017-11-10 15:59:53 / Author: mdkd
Welcome to LittleBigForum!
It's always nice to see LBP veterans! Haha, do you remember how music was made back in LBP1? |
2017-11-10 15:59:53
Author:mdkd Posts: 1856
2017-11-10 16:10:14 / Author: speedyg1973
Oh yeah. A bunch of sound emmiters hooked up to a player or tag sensor. The player could play the song fast, slow, and backwards. Super tedious back then lmao and I only did it like once. |
2017-11-10 16:10:14
Author:speedyg1973 Posts: 8
2017-11-11 10:44:32 / Author: mdkd
I still remember having that musicbox 'Mocking bird', that song from Eminem. It felt completely handmade!
2017-11-11 10:44:32
Author:mdkd Posts: 1856
2017-12-04 05:45:21 / Author: padmq30
Welcome To this Wonderful Forum.
Alliance University direct admission Christ University direct admission Dayananda Sagar University direct admission Jain University direct admission M S Ramaiah University direct admission Pes University direct admission Mount Carmel College direct admission |
2017-12-04 05:45:21
Author:padmq30 Posts: 4
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