LittleBigPlanet 3
Temple of Contraptions (Platformer) by ACSF313
Archive: 2 posts
2017-08-12 05:46:35 / Author: ACSF313
I introduce to you my new level entitled Temple of Contraptions (Platformer), a part of the Tech City Series. As Sackboy, explore an ancient temple made different and unique by technology. Ride elevators, escalating platforms, ziplines, horizontal cargo elevators and more. Furnished with velociporters and bounce pads, there's a bit of everything in the level. Check it out here: I hope you like it! ![]() |
2017-08-12 05:46:35
Author:ACSF313 ![]() Posts: 2
2017-08-12 17:23:09 / Author: mdkd
I'm going to play your level soon. Stay tuned for my review!
2017-08-12 17:23:09
Author:mdkd ![]() Posts: 1856
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