LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Interstellar Road Trip
Archive: 1 posts
2017-07-19 14:06:43 / Author: fizzlesnoof
Hey, everyone, Fizzlesnoof here! My friend Paintforbrains has been trying to get himself noticed in the lbp community. While he's doing okay right now, I would greatly appreciate it if people check out his first complete series of levels called Interstellar Road Trip. In it, you and a witty, rolling screen named Murdoc go on an adventure across space to find a valuable piece of hardware and sell it off at the nearest space port. What could possibly go wrong?
There isn't a playlist for these, so I'll just leave a link to Paint's level page: Hope you all enjoy them, and have a nice day! |
2017-07-19 14:06:43
Author:fizzlesnoof Posts: 39
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