LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3

Toxic Substance [Survival Minigame] [1-4p vs.]

Archive: 1 posts
2017-07-13 15:47:11 / Author: Bruce-lee1947
Good morning,
I created this minigame yesterday while playing around with that good ol' spongey liquid glitch, and as i had some amazing experiences with another lvl i posted on here i thought i'd post this one too. 
I really am proud on the atmosphere and design of this lvl and it hasn't gotten the attention it deserves.

You're placed on a bunch of little spongeballs and have to try to not touch the ground which is made much harder by the constantly wobbling ground increasing in speed as time goes on ..after certain amounts of time items like a box or a trampoline get dropped onto the stage which can be quite dangerous. .while the box will mostly help you the trampoline can easily shoot you out of the arena and kill you (the other 2 items are a surprise)

Every 40 seconds or so lighting strikes which can irritate and kill you 

For the design i went with an eerie lab atmosphere , the sound is a mix of the engine room atmosphere ,the "rain ambient"sfx , the "eerie wind" sfx and the song "Muerto Concerto"

I would be very grateful to get some kind of feedback,
And thanks to everyone taking the time to play it ! 
Have a good day !
2017-07-13 15:47:11
Posts: 9
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