Forum Contests
LBFC6 - Participation thread
Archive: 42 posts
2017-07-09 12:22:44 / Author: DeKa1357
LBFC6 - Participation thread Forum Name: PSN Name: link: |
2017-07-09 12:22:44
Author:DeKa1357 Posts: 1806
2017-07-10 11:47:07 / Author: m89091520
Forum Name: m89091520
PSN name:m89091520 Link: |
2017-07-10 11:47:07
Author:m89091520 Posts: 22
2017-07-11 12:28:39 / Author: kubac2000
Forum Name: kubac2000
PSN Name: kubac2000 link: Not available yet |
2017-07-11 12:28:39
Author:kubac2000 Posts: 329
2017-07-13 06:00:46 / Author: TwisterKiller70
Forum Name: TwisterKiller70
PSN Name: TwisterKiller70 link: |
2017-07-13 06:00:46
Author:TwisterKiller70 Posts: 45
2017-07-13 17:45:15 / Author: MYDman7
Form name: MYDman7
PSN Name: MYDman7 link: |
2017-07-13 17:45:15
Author:MYDman7 Posts: 1
2017-07-14 11:14:24 / Author: Bossman3009
Forum Name: Bossman3009
PSN Name: bossman3009 link: |
2017-07-14 11:14:24
Author:Bossman3009 Posts: 1
2017-07-14 17:26:11 / Author: YoungBoy1959
UForm Name : YoungBoy1959
PSN Name : YoungBoy1959 link : TBA |
2017-07-14 17:26:11
Author:YoungBoy1959 Posts: 2
2017-07-15 14:40:53 / Author: darkforcecarl
Forum Name: Darkforcecarl
PSN name: Darkforce_Carl Link: Not Ready yet |
2017-07-15 14:40:53
Author:darkforcecarl Posts: 16
2017-07-16 20:16:00 / Author: IdX_olly
Forum name: IdX_olly
PSN username: IdX_olly link: |
2017-07-16 20:16:00
Author:IdX_olly Posts: 1
2017-07-17 02:05:04 / Author: Archangel_joshua
Forum Name:Archangel_joshua
PEN Name: Archangel_joshua link: |
2017-07-17 02:05:04
Author:Archangel_joshua Posts: 2
2017-07-17 02:08:40 / Author: Archangel_joshua
Forum name: Archangel_joshua
PSN username:Archangel_Joshua link: |
2017-07-17 02:08:40
Author:Archangel_joshua Posts: 2
2017-07-18 02:58:45 / Author: Redvent
Forum name: Redvent
PSN username: gru2003 link: not ready just yet |
2017-07-18 02:58:45
Author:Redvent Posts: 2
2017-07-18 13:12:35 / Author: Fabietto03
Forum name: Fabietto03
PSN username: fabietto03 link: |
2017-07-18 13:12:35
Author:Fabietto03 Posts: 1
2017-07-18 22:45:57 / Author: Alteria
Forum Name: Alteria
PSN Name: External--Life Link: In the making!! This will most likely be available a day before the deadline Edit: Made it! It's called "Forsaken Rift" |
2017-07-18 22:45:57
Author:Alteria Posts: 5
2017-07-20 14:20:02 / Author: StarSuperSonic98
Forum Name: StarSuperSonic98
PSN Name: StarSuperSonic98 link: |
2017-07-20 14:20:02
Author:StarSuperSonic98 Posts: 1
2017-07-21 21:53:38 / Author: DarknessKnight
Forum namearknessKnight
Psn usernamearknessKnight5 link: |
2017-07-21 21:53:38
Author:DarknessKnight Posts: 5
2017-07-22 14:22:27 / Author: Slw1224
By: SLW12241946 |
2017-07-22 14:22:27
Author:Slw1224 Posts: 1
2017-07-23 17:07:51 / Author: Erysiol
Forum Name: Erysiol
PSN Name: Erysiol link: not ready yet |
2017-07-23 17:07:51
Author:Erysiol Posts: 4
2017-07-26 04:23:53 / Author: David Bowie
https:/ /lbp/u/ShawnWikheiser/photos?p=I&I=12
2017-07-26 04:23:53
Author:David Bowie Posts: 2
2017-07-26 10:55:23 / Author: mdkd
Just a little note:
The link can only work when it's seperated of other words and if all parts of the link are together like this: Continue creating! |
2017-07-26 10:55:23
Author:mdkd Posts: 1856
2017-07-30 14:02:30 / Author: doc
Forum Name: doc
PSN Name: DocSilence link: TBA |
2017-07-30 14:02:30
Author:doc Posts: 8
2017-07-31 00:31:32 / Author: PartyPaca
Forum Name: PartyPaca
PSN Name: BuguDopperu |
2017-07-31 00:31:32
Author:PartyPaca Posts: 1
2017-08-02 14:06:36 / Author: kubac2000
I want to declare my cancelation of my entry. This was my tough choice, since I really wanted to take part in and the topic of the current contest was really spot-on, since I really wanted to make a post apocalyptic level. Eventually I realised I have so little time to continue my project. This is because I have recently moved to grandma's house and we need to take some time to unpack everything we need and throw away anything we don't. I also wanted to cancel it because of my dissapointment due to lack of my own spare time during this summer, almost the whole June I had to take care of our old home because my mom had been gone abroad, July has been wasted to get prepared for moving out, so August is my only month which (finally) I might happily spend on my own. But to me wasting 20 last days of the contest doesn't make sense to me :/ Don't get me wrong. I love creating in LBP3, I just couldn't get enough time. Good luck to those who manage to create their entry !
2017-08-02 14:06:36
Author:kubac2000 Posts: 329
2017-08-02 23:33:44 / Author: Lillianna2nite
Forum Name: Lillianna2nite
PSN Name: Lillianna2nite link: |
2017-08-02 23:33:44
Author:Lillianna2nite Posts: 29
2017-08-03 19:51:06 / Author: doc
Dude that makes me feel so bad for you. Seriously. I hope you have some great last days before summer ends and you have to move on with education, work or whatever you are up to. Wishing you the best for these weeks! |
2017-08-03 19:51:06
Author:doc Posts: 8
2017-08-04 16:52:16 / Author: WaffleGod345
Forum Name: WaffleGod345
PSN Name: WaffleGod345 link: N/A |
2017-08-04 16:52:16
Author:WaffleGod345 Posts: 11
2017-08-10 01:18:30 / Author: StarFoxLuigi
Good Luck everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
2017-08-10 01:18:30
Author:StarFoxLuigi Posts: 1
2017-08-10 01:28:26 / Author: TROOK
Forum Name : TROOK
PSN: Name : king-birds LBP.Me Link : Go to world Of Dinosaurs |
2017-08-10 01:28:26
Author:TROOK Posts: 48
2017-08-11 16:54:53 / Author: xanjoh
Forum Name: xanjoh
PSN Name: xanjoh link: |
2017-08-11 16:54:53
Author:xanjoh Posts: 2
2017-08-14 16:23:41 / Author: SleepyScouts490
Forum Name: SleepyScouts490
PSN Name: SleepyScouts490 link: |
2017-08-14 16:23:41
Author:SleepyScouts490 Posts: 2
2017-08-15 11:19:46 / Author: xxAlexInLbpxx
Forum Name: xxAlexInLbpxx PSN Name: xxAlexInLbpxx link:
2017-08-15 11:19:46
Author:xxAlexInLbpxx Posts: 26
2017-08-17 20:47:04 / Author: itsmek0k0__
Forum Name: itsmek0k0_
PSN Name: kokobrown_HD Link: |
2017-08-17 20:47:04
Author:itsmek0k0__ Posts: 1
2017-08-18 21:48:23 / Author: Bigsurf77
Forum Name: Bigsurf77
PSN Name: bigsurf77 link: |
2017-08-18 21:48:23
Author:Bigsurf77 Posts: 2
2017-08-19 16:59:06 / Author: Mightymongral
2017-08-19 16:59:06
Author:Mightymongral Posts: 2
2017-08-19 23:17:20 / Author: strsho
Forum Name: strsho
PSN Name: strsho link: |
2017-08-19 23:17:20
Author:strsho Posts: 4
2017-08-20 04:49:57 / Author: ramkibainu
Forum Name: ramkibainu
PSN Name: ramkibainuzuka link (I asked to Deka for permission to republish and add the trailer) |
2017-08-20 04:49:57
Author:ramkibainu Posts: 145
2017-08-20 20:29:16 / Author: Viinssouille
Forum Name: viinssouille
PSN Name: viinssouille LBP link: |
2017-08-20 20:29:16
Author:Viinssouille Posts: 3
2017-08-20 23:59:17 / Author: bzr242
Forum Name: BzR242 Name: bzr242 Level: Due to family life interfering, I had to do a last minute job. The result is not quite what I had in mind. Still I hope, you enjoy it. |
2017-08-20 23:59:17
Author:bzr242 Posts: 47
2017-08-21 01:22:17 / Author: X-MovieNight-X1
(Fixed the link) I'm very new to this threat, sorry if I'm doing this wrong. Just uploaded my entry to the contest last minute, called "Boston: 2032". Here's the link So I just realized after checking what GMT time is that I technically posted this 1 hour late. PLEASE let it still count, I'll be so sad if it doesn't count because it's 1 hour late in your time zone
2017-08-21 01:22:17
Author:X-MovieNight-X1 Posts: 1
2017-08-21 16:06:58 / Author: DeKa1357
Don't worry! You are NOT disqualified!
Now it's time to play all entries! |
2017-08-21 16:06:58
Author:DeKa1357 Posts: 1806
2017-08-21 19:57:28 / Author: The_Legopig
Forum Name: The_Legopig
PSN name: legopig link: I accidentally put it on the decayed dust forum and i cant copypaste it again cause I'm typing this on a vita so uhyeah im sorry <3 IT DOESNT TECHNICALLY COUNT ANYMORE CAUSE I HAD TO EDIT A BIT THAT WAS BUGGED BUT O H W E L L, good luck everyone! |
2017-08-21 19:57:28
Author:The_Legopig Posts: 20
2017-08-24 03:12:28 / Author: Mightymongral
(This is for my edited entre, after me being locked out because of challenge DLC)
Fourm Name: mightymongral Lbp.Me: mightymongral |
2017-08-24 03:12:28
Author:Mightymongral Posts: 2
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