LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3

[Roughly 15 Fresh] 028 - Liminal

Archive: 5 posts
2017-06-01 23:00:57 / Author: waffleking23
Woot! Got our new episode out!
This week we're taking a look at:

Cardboard paradise - Monkee_Potato
Steam Heart - tlei20
Another Sky, Lava Cave - a-tziluth
Wynter King - Grimmcrypt
Egypt Adventure! - topoluc

Had a lot of fun with the levels here. None of them are perfect, but all of them had a little something worthwhile. i should toss out a little warning that the Two Jside levels there are on the mid-to-long side, expect about 15-20minutes more or less.

i also forgot to mention in the video, but the story of Steam Heart is actually pretty dark underneath its cutesy presentation. From what i could understand (mind you, my translating isn't top notch) you're supposed to be hunting down slacking workers who should be doing "service zangyou," that is to say unpaid overtime work. It's actually a pretty huge problem over here, and is probably the main reason why the word "karoshi" (death from overwork) exists in Japanese.

So, another week down. A story(ish thing) wrapped up. Going to try to keep the next couple of episodes on the simpler side (as far as intros) so i can build up a buffer again. Mechanically i feel like i'm getting a lot better with PIP. Didn't have as much trouble getting those segments put together and put in. Still feeling out what's best to actually put in them, and when they're necessary or not. It seems like you've got a maximum of 10 for any project, though i'm not sure if there's a limit on how long they can be. As always feedback here is super appreciated. If you feel the PIPs are (or are not, of course) hitting the mark, let me know.

Right, thanks for all the help folks! i'm glad you're having a good time with all of this. Y'all have a great day, now.
2017-06-01 23:00:57
Posts: 342

2017-06-02 09:57:29 / Author: mdkd
Thanks again for sharing, man!
2017-06-02 09:57:29
Posts: 1856

2017-06-04 04:02:34 / Author: waffleking23
Glad to do it! Hope you find something fun!
2017-06-04 04:02:34
Posts: 342

2017-06-06 01:08:55 / Author: waffleking23
Boop boo be doo Tuesday Takeaway time!

Cardboard paradise - Monkee_Potato
There's not much new to say about this one really. As a first level from a Creator-in-Progress, at least it has a clear flow and sense of direction; which is a lot more than you can say for a lot early levels. One thing that stood out in particular this go-through (which is a little weird, since i specifically called it out in Return to Canyons last week) was for a racer, this one's got no score bubbles at all.

Steam Heart - tlei20
No big changes, though i did notice the use of controllinators for the gondola once KG'd pointed them out. i've noticed that in a number of Jside levels (Redwalker6 seems to love them, f'rex). Something i'd wanted to say in the outro, but had slipped my mind was, while the music was cool, it's just the one track looping all the way to the boss. Could've definitely used a bit of a mix, considering how long the level is.

Another Sky, Lava Cave - a-tziluth
It'd kinda weird how often the Collector shows up in Jside levels, like he's their mascot or something. One thing i really liked this go-through was how little the level takes itself seriously. When you summon the god of the Cloud Sea, the sfx is a doorbell. Riding the chicken-fish walker the "Dooley" song plays in the background. Why? No reason, it's just for goofiness's sake. This time around, i flubbed the trigger to start the second phase of the boss. This was a real problem, because the amount of attacks on screen can make it really difficult to get back to the switch. Don't screw it up.

Wynter King - Grimmcrypt
Try as i might, i just could not get past the area i was stuck at before. Then again, i always was pretty poor at the timing of fighter-style inputs. It's a shame we won't likely be seeing more from this series, as the world is pretty well-realized.

Egypt Adventure! - topoluc
Still had a lot of fun with this one, though the music choice did stand out more this time since KG'd pointed it out. i do think it could've been pulled off with a flat camera to give it more of a retro feel, though i freely admit my image of "retro" may be hopelessly borked. Someday i'll here someone describe Manson or PM5k as classic rock, and then i'll be well buggered.

So...that's the that this week. All in all a lot of fun with all of these, and with putting the episode together. Still have the hub saved, so it'll likely be making an appearance again, though not for a bit, and probably not with such an elaborate intro/outro.

Thanks, as always, all of you. This is as much for you as it is for me. Have a great day!
2017-06-06 01:08:55
Posts: 342

2017-06-06 12:46:30 / Author: Sandro8708
I queued them
2017-06-06 12:46:30
Posts: 705
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