LittleBigPlanet 1 & 2
Motionless Idle?
Archive: 8 posts
2017-05-22 08:51:24 / Author: Angelicatoo
Hi is it possible, in create mode, or both to get the player/bots to stand still when idle instead of bobbing about?
2017-05-22 08:51:24
Author:Angelicatoo ![]() Posts: 49
2017-05-22 09:35:52 / Author: CuriousSack
Hi Angelicatoo,
as far as I can remember there is one of the sackbot "animation styles", which lets the sackbot stand still, when its idle, however I don't know anymore which of the animation styles! You could also use an animation-tweaker and choose the animation settings in a way that the start time and the stop time of the animation are identical, so that you get a single "frozen" frame of the animation sequence! So you can exactly define the posture of the sackbot, when its idle! You only need a little logic, which activates the animation tweaker, when the sackbot isn't active, for example using a speed sensor and wire it with a NOT-Gate and the NOT-Gate with the animation tweaker! This would have the effect that when the sackbot is moving, the animation tweaker is deactivated, but when the sackbot doesn't move, then the animation tweaker is activated. I hope this helps, many greetings, Jürgen^^ |
2017-05-22 09:35:52
Author:CuriousSack ![]() Posts: 865
2017-05-22 10:46:19 / Author: kubac2000
You mean the static idle position without any movement?
I know how to do it: 1.Get a Sackbot or a Broadcast Microchip (if you want to use it for a Sackboy) 2.Pick an Animation Tweaker from the Tools Bag and place it either at Sackbot's circuit board (can be shown by hovering crsor and pressing R1) or Microchip's circuit board. 3.Tweak an Animation tweaker, so the Idle animation is selected (I believe that's by default anyways) and change the start and stop animation time to 0.00s. This will allow sackbot to freeze his animation. You can also disable it whenever you want (by plugging the input) |
2017-05-22 10:46:19
Author:kubac2000 ![]() Posts: 329
2017-05-22 11:46:50 / Author: Angelicatoo
Thank you both I will have a go at those; but what about in create mode, the practice of putting stickers and decorations on a puppet is nye on impossible when they are jiggling about, a bit like trying to dress a toddler!
Fantastic! Kubac's solution works in create and play mode, so thank again. well I must be having one of those days because it worked for 5 minutes, now it doesn't. I should probably go and do some gardening instead. |
2017-05-22 11:46:50
Author:Angelicatoo ![]() Posts: 49
2017-05-22 12:45:05 / Author: kubac2000
No problem
![]() |
2017-05-22 12:45:05
Author:kubac2000 ![]() Posts: 329
2017-05-23 05:45:38 / Author: mdkd
I think you can set the animation speed to 1%. This could help for that. But when you put a sticker on a sackbot, doesn't he freeze?
2017-05-23 05:45:38
Author:mdkd ![]() Posts: 1856
2017-05-23 05:51:28 / Author: kubac2000
Indeed, it freezes. However when you stop hovering cursor at Sackboy, he will start moving again. I believe he wanted a permament effect, so this wouldn't help a lot. |
2017-05-23 05:51:28
Author:kubac2000 ![]() Posts: 329
2017-05-23 09:20:39 / Author: mdkd
Setting the speed of the animation to 1% helped me make costumes. Yes, the camera zooms out when the cursor is somewhere else, but that's LBP.
2017-05-23 09:20:39
Author:mdkd ![]() Posts: 1856
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