LBF Music
Music Requests
Various Music Tracks Request (RTC)
Archive: 2 posts
2017-04-14 23:56:23 / Author: Trixel Creative
We've fallen a bit behind on our project, Return to Carnivalia, and some of the music creators we had on the team are especially busy lately. Please let us know if you'd be interested in making a music tracks for RTC!
We're hoping to get a music track by a different creator each time, but if you want to do multiple that's even better! These prizes will be given out to the community, so it's even more exposure for your own sake! ![]() Music Requests: Upbeat Swingbop/Magician/Old School (La Marionetta) Funky Nature/Clocks/Choir/Forest (The Land of Odd) Techno City/Shipping Factory/Gambling (Jackpot City) Eerie/Creepy/Dark/Ominous/Playfully Sinister/Haunted (Spooky Mansion) Scrapyard/Ending/Junk Parts/Roller Coasters/Amusement Park (Coaster Valley) (Ethereal Nature music + Hectic Storm music also needed) If you are up to making any of these songs (or if you have one to give us), please let me know soon. We will need it as soon as possible!! *please watch videos about the LBP PS Vita Soundtrack before creating yours so that you can nail the same vibe* |
2017-04-14 23:56:23
Author:Trixel Creative ![]() Posts: 16
2017-04-16 09:32:06 / Author: mdkd
Haha, I still have LBPV and I still play it (I mentioned it often). I will listen to them and maybe help you if I can.
2017-04-16 09:32:06
Author:mdkd ![]() Posts: 1856
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