LittleBigForum Archive
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How Not To?

Archive: 3 posts
2017-04-13 13:53:39 / Author: DaEliteGoat LBP
To play this game, you need to tell the person before you how not to do it.
E.g: How do I jump?
Reply: Use your legs.

I'll start

How do I toast toast?
2017-04-13 13:53:39
DaEliteGoat LBP
Posts: 17

2017-04-16 09:24:38 / Author: mdkd
Use a toaster

How do I go to school?
2017-04-16 09:24:38
Posts: 1856

2017-04-17 09:13:16 / Author: DaEliteGoat LBP
Teleport or something.

How do I live?
2017-04-17 09:13:16
DaEliteGoat LBP
Posts: 17
LittleBigForum Archive Statistics
Posts: 37945 • Threads: 4847 • Members: 3878  • Archive-Date: 2019-04-15


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