LittleBigPlanet 3
[Roughly 15 Fresh] 012 - Plugs
Archive: 1 posts
2017-02-09 22:53:05 / Author: waffleking23
Stone the crows, it's a quarter of the year done, then. Up and live here.
This week's looked at levels: Like Clockwork - Crysnboo2 Color of Verdure - sakuransakuran Complex Machinery - Marbleking Tea and Spikes - Pign Circus in the Sky - Ewug_katommo Interesting mix of levels today. Still trying to to get my level finding technique just where i want it, but i like what came up this go (for the most part). As always, thank you, everyone, for the support and feedback. Especially feedback, there're always ways i can improve. i think i may actually be able to get next week's episode in the can today, which would put me ahead of the curve for once (if i can figure out why the lip-sync animator keeps making characters rotate). Keep yourselves well, and have a great day! |
2017-02-09 22:53:05
Author:waffleking23 ![]() Posts: 342
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