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LittleBigPlanet 3
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Want to work on Return to Carnivalia?

Archive: 3 posts
2017-01-21 09:19:25 / Author: Trixel Creative
Hey, everyone!

We're finally back after a super extended holiday break, and we are trying to get the cogs turning for Return to Carnivalia... but here's the thing! I (powerspell3/@halxton) have been responsible for working on most of the pack alone, as well as helping others. I don't have the time, energy, or creative juices to do all these things at once.

I need help!

I'm currently working on: Cutscene 1: part 2, The Introduction, La Marionetta, The OddBall Factory (side-level), Spooky Mansion Cutscene, Spooky Mansion itself, The Junkyard Dog, and probably the ending cutscene too (whenever that time comes), as well as editing, adjusting, creating sets, and adding to the first cutscenes which are being planned and set up by OddBall Studios.

As you can tell, I simply have too much on my plate at one time. I love Spooky Mansion and have so many ideas for it. I've basically mapped out a general concept/direction for the entire level, but I don't have the time or energy to create it all (I mean, I could... but it wouldn't be that amazing, as it should be!).

I'm going to finish La Marionetta on my own since it was the first level in the pack that I started, and it has been edited entirely by me only thus far. It's nearly done anyhow! It's something I've fully assigned myself too, and I really enjoy working on it when the inspiration comes.

I also want to create The OddBall Factory, but with help and the vision of others, of course! So I am open to anyone wanting to help with that.

The Spooky Mansion Cutscene is nearly done. It still needs adjusting and polishing, as well as another few scenes which introduce Mrs. Sunshine as she explains the story of where Victoria is.

I can most likely do the first cutscene's second part myself. It's basically just the part where the silhouette of each theme in Carnivalia is shown, including short clips of each character crashing into their respective themes.

Coaster Valley is the final level. In this level, there will be a hub for all 3 characters (excluding OddSock). The characters will each have their own sections of the level in which they are required to interact with Otis once or twice and find the scrap parts for the cannon. So far we have a reasonable bit of Sackboy's section made, and we need to finish that off. I'm hoping I can finish the Sackboy section myself, and hopefully I can find a couple more people who can help to create Swoop and Toggle's sections in Coaster Valley. They don't need to be too long, but still long enough to keep the player satisfied and engaged with multiple platforming obstacles and puzzles. This would be a joint project in the pack where 2 different creators (or one if you wish to create both parts) will be able to keep a persistent style while creating separate sections of each character's gameplay on their own moon. The finished segments will then be linked together in one level and attached to a hub in the center of all the character's sections. OddSocks part in Coaster Valley is to find the last piece of the cannon scrap in The Junkyard... so his level will be separate from the rest of Coaster Valley.

Levels Available:
The Introduction (La Marionetta themed)*
Spooky Mansion Cutscene*
Coaster Valley: Toggle Section*
Coaster Valley: Swoop Section*
Cutscene 1: Part 2 (silhouette crashing)*

*as levels are claimed by creators they will be eliminated from the list.

If you have ANY questions or interest, please let me know. 

The quicker we can get help, the quicker everyone can enjoy a new adventure in LBP.
(each creator gets access to entirety of new stickers thus far)

Please fill out a form in the replies of this thread if you wish to work on the pack!
Use the template below please!

Which level/theme do you most want to work on?:
(The Introduction Level, Spooky Mansion Cutscene, Coaster Valley: Toggle, Coaster Valley: Swoop, Cutscene 1: part 2)

Do you own LittleBigPlanet for the PS Vita? link/screenshot link to your best level work in LBP3:

Do you own LittleBigPlanet 3 for the PlayStation 4 console?:

How would you personally rank yourself as a creator?:

Are you good with creating platformers?:

Can you create a level that feels as genuine as the story mode levels themselves?:

Do you have a Twitter or GroupMe account?:

What motivates you to want to work on Return to Carnivalia?:

What would you list as your strongest talent in LittleBigPlanet creation?:
(examples: logic, gameplay, design, music, etc.)

2017-01-21 09:19:25
Trixel Creative
Posts: 16

2017-01-22 06:36:56 / Author: DiamondDiancie10
I could help, working on this project may help me get back into LBP. ^-^

Do you own LittleBigPlanet for the PS Vita? No, I do not... But I have watched gameplay videos of the game. :3 link/screenshot link to your best level work in LBP3: My best work? I am not really sure what my "best work" is... But here are some images of some of my personal favourites:

Do you own LittleBigPlanet 3 for the PlayStation 4 console?: I do not, but I do have means to transfer things from versions.

How would you personally rank yourself as a creator?: Probably about a pretty good creator that does struggle in one or two areas.

Are you good with creating platformers?: Sort of, kind of... I sometimes can do pretty good ones, but I tend to apply pressure on myself to be unique about the platforming and tend to scare myself away from it.

Can you create a level that feels as genuine as the story mode levels themselves?: I believe that I can in terms of visuals primarily, but gameplay? Maybe.

Do you have a Twitter or GroupMe account?: My Twitter is @DiamondDiancie1

What motivates you to want to work on Return to Carnivalia?: I think the idea of working on a community project sounds very fun, and I really like helping people. ^-^ 
I also haven't really haven't had anything fun to do in LBP anymore, so perhaps this will help me get into it more again. :3

What would you list as your strongest talent in LittleBigPlanet creation?: Logic and design are some of my biggest talents in LBP, but I can do pretty much anything in LBP pretty well, other than music. I am still learning music. :v
2017-01-22 06:36:56
Posts: 516

2017-01-22 08:47:48 / Author: Trixel Creative
Thank you to everyone who applied here and on Twitter for a role in crafting Return to Carnivalia. We had a lot of (surprising) requests, and we have now happily filled all requested level positions! Yay!

Don't worry, though. We still are very likely to need help in the future. You've all been especially noted, so keep your eyes out for any future requests for creators and creatives in LBP3! You may even find yourself as a playthrough tester before release.

Have a great day! Let us know what you want to see or most look forward to in RTC. <3
2017-01-22 08:47:48
Trixel Creative
Posts: 16
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