LittleBigPlanet 3
(LBFC5) Escape Them!
Archive: 5 posts
2017-01-13 04:57:19 / Author: lordwarblade
Escape Them Link
Hi Here is my latest level which i started last month them converted a little for the contest. I am glad its finished as i will be on holiday soon and have been meaning to finish it for ages as it was originally an idea for LBP Vita. Its a silhouette platformer where you must avoid traps and enemies and also survive the cold. If you spend too long out of range of Thermal Generators or other forms of warmth your character will start to freeze and slow down and eventually die. The Powerup is a Thermal Emitter that has two modes Heat and Cold. It can be used to activate a variety of things throughout the level. I have had to place it in the sackpocket because it seems to be the only way you can use it and climb, grab etc without dropping it for some reason. |
2017-01-13 04:57:19
Author:lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 11
2017-01-13 15:11:16 / Author: Sandro8708
Looks great, cant wait to play it
2017-01-13 15:11:16
Author:Sandro8708 ![]() Posts: 705
2017-01-14 09:46:04 / Author: mdkd
I have seen many silhouette levels in LBPV.
Cool that your idea in LBPV made it to a level! I'll play it after finishing my own level. ![]() |
2017-01-14 09:46:04
Author:mdkd ![]() Posts: 1856
2017-01-31 03:58:51 / Author: lordwarblade
Yeah i am very happy i revisited this idea and looks like it was worth it as its seems to have gotten team picked while i was away! Wasn't expecting that at all. I started silhouette levels back when i started lbp2 for first time and find i like that style and its fun to make. |
2017-01-31 03:58:51
Author:lordwarblade ![]() Posts: 11
2017-02-17 17:48:07 / Author: leftstickrightstick
congrats on the team-pick! this was an awesome level, and my personal favourite of the LBFC entries
![]() |
2017-02-17 17:48:07
Author:leftstickrightstick ![]() Posts: 88
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