LittleBigForum Archive
LittleBigPlanet 3

Advanced in/out movers mess up multi-layer objects

Archive: 2 posts
2016-12-11 18:42:14 / Author: Platysynthesis
So when I have a multi-layer object (for example: a house) that has the Advanced In/Out Mover being used, it ends up distorted after a while. Some parts would end up in layers where it's not supposed to be and all, and it really messes up the model.
Is there a way to fix it? I'm using the PS3.
2016-12-11 18:42:14
Posts: 33

2016-12-11 22:16:40 / Author: Psmerga
Dont pick materials that are not in regular layers.
If you need to move it, use controllinators.
You can always pick chips without to glitch the materials.
Hope this helps and that they fix it after so long time.
2016-12-11 22:16:40
Posts: 373
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