LittleBigPlanet 3
Phoenix Arises 2 (PS4 ONLY)
Archive: 5 posts
2016-09-28 21:04:12 / Author: Girps
Hello LBP Forum EU! I posted Phoenix Arises 1 a year ago and now I've finished the sequel! It's a TOP DOWN VERTICAL SHOOTER I've been working in this level for awhile now since this will be last level before Dreams comes out. It's definite improvement compared to the first one. There's 4 stages, Trophies to collect, 3 difficulty settings, more enemies, better hud, and less glitches! This level is pretty long estimate to be 30 minutes. But I added a save point after the end of each stage so if you where to return to level you can pick up the stage you left at. There's 3 specials in the level: Lazer beam, atomic blast, and fury mode. Their only usable when the player fills in the charge bar. There's 3 defenses they can be activated at anytime but there's a cool off time each varies. Defense include: Shield, Speed, and invisibility. Here are some pictures!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() Hope you enjoy! |
2016-09-28 21:04:12
Author:Girps ![]() Posts: 37
2016-10-02 11:58:17 / Author: mdkd
Looks oldschool and nice. I will play it today.
I didn't play it. Kinda forgot it. I am a idiot. I WILL PLAY IT RIGHT AFTER I WROTE THIS. |
2016-10-02 11:58:17
Author:mdkd ![]() Posts: 1856
2016-10-03 20:09:05 / Author: mdkd
Well, I thought the PS4 only note would mean: On PS3 it is a low fps rate and sth. My PS3 crashed 3 times.
Soon I will get a PS4 slim (Or however they call it) and than I will play your level again. But I can say, that the idea and the look of the game is cool. I really like TopDown shooters. |
2016-10-03 20:09:05
Author:mdkd ![]() Posts: 1856
2016-10-03 20:11:38 / Author: Girps
Yeah I saw on my friends list that you were on ps3 so I updated the title to PS4 ONLY. |
2016-10-03 20:11:38
Author:Girps ![]() Posts: 37
2016-10-04 21:50:59 / Author: mdkd
OK. I will play it in february, when I buy a PS4 slim.
![]() So your level will be in my que. |
2016-10-04 21:50:59
Author:mdkd ![]() Posts: 1856
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