LittleBigPlanet 3
The LBP Rio Olympics!
Archive: 1 posts
2016-09-03 19:25:51 / Author: heatmiser007
Hey guys!
Making another post here. This one is filled with info on my biggest project yet— the Rio Olympics! I've been working on it for a couple months now. It has 6 levels... Rio: Hang out at this lobby and explore the city of Rio! Visit different levels with level links and enjoy your time in the city! Handball: Play one other friend in a friendly(?) game of handball using those handy grabinators. Fencing: Register hits against your opponents on a beach-side fencing battle by using this original fencing power up! First to register 10 hits wins! Diving: Play alone or force your friends to watch you do a spectacular flip into the pool! You can do a flip or a backflip. It's up to you! Hurdles: Race your buddies in a five-hurdle race with crazy fans cheering you on! Simply the first to cross the line wins. Cycling: Take to the bicycle in a fairly long bike race through Rio vs your pals! This level is filled with detail and nearly overheated! Lots of editing and hard work brought this level together. So yep! Be sure to check it out! Info: PSN: heatmiser007 (Ps4) World Name: LBP Olympics The level has the Brazillian flag on it. link: |
2016-09-03 19:25:51
Author:heatmiser007 ![]() Posts: 15
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