LittleBigPlanet 3
Urban PictureRoom
Archive: 2 posts
2016-09-01 23:39:54 / Author: xoMonsterrox
![]() |
2016-09-01 23:39:54
Author:xoMonsterrox ![]() Posts: 1
2016-09-02 13:23:49 / Author: CuriousSack
Ok, I will check your level!
Here is the link... ...and some pics... You will get a review when I've played your level! Have a fine weekend and many greetings, Jürgen^^ EDIT: Now I've played your level, and its a... picture room! : ![]() Its a sample of different backgrounds, where you can pose and take a picture from yourself and your friends. The backgrounds are varied so that there should be one for every taste. Walking through your level I missed something and maybe it couild be a new idea for you, in case that you would like to do another picture room. You could create some "head in the hole" picture boards like... where a sackboy can put its head in the hole before one takes a picture! ![]() Thanks for sharing and many greetings, Jürgen^^ |
2016-09-02 13:23:49
Author:CuriousSack ![]() Posts: 865
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