LittleBigPlanet 3
Summer at 5 Star Hotel #LBPSummer
Archive: 5 posts
2016-07-15 23:53:33 / Author: five-ate-five
Hey people, i kinda spammed this site with my other level, so here another spam. I will make this look better :p Summer at 5 Star Hotel #LBPSummer Welcome to paradise resort hotel. Have a nice summer while playing some minigames. Thx to all testers, Made for LBPSummer contest and have fun guys. Explore the hub real good :p also trailer PP |
2016-07-15 23:53:33
Author:five-ate-five Posts: 69
2016-07-16 01:39:24 / Author: Toastrz
The level certainly has a lot of character and personality judging by the trailer. It also appears to take inspiration from the Tiki Paradise pack, which I like. I'll play this sometime!
2016-07-16 01:39:24
Author:Toastrz Posts: 143
2016-07-16 05:53:29 / Author: CuriousSack
In Bavaria we're still waiting for a longer period of warmer summer weather.... your level could be a little consolation for all the summer hungry people here! I'm looking forward to it! Many greetings, Jürgen^^
2016-07-16 05:53:29
Author:CuriousSack Posts: 865
2016-07-21 18:07:02 / Author: sackmoose
This level looks fantastic! I'll try it when I first start LBP3.
Might beat Sackboy and The Seed of Destruction. |
2016-07-21 18:07:02
Author:sackmoose Posts: 18
2016-07-23 09:56:34 / Author: Blacksackman
I played and it was fun, great job, brings back LBP1 memories!
2016-07-23 09:56:34
Author:Blacksackman Posts: 84
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