LBF Music
LBF Music Showcase
LBFMusic: Episode 15
Archive: 5 posts
2016-06-15 03:40:35 / Author: nerd_dog
Hey! Back with the latest episode of LBFMusic.
I'd like to thank everyone that has given these musicians a listen and followed these episodes. Special thanks to all the friends and staff that has helped make this possible (and an extra special thanks to Hanfi1311 for recording hours and hours of music for us). I've had a great time featuring some of the best LittleBigPlanet has to offer and it makes me smile thinking of how many musicians gained some extra deserved attention from it. I will no longer be Musicurator for LittleBigForum, but I hope someone else will take over and continue this awesome showcase. So peace out everyone. you've been awesome. Oh and... Lets not forget this episode's awesome musicians Episode link here -> Thank you all. And as always, sorry, Hanfi1311. Here's some musicians to record that you just now heard about (lol). You've been awesome. Enjoy |
2016-06-15 03:40:35
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
2016-06-15 06:55:37 / Author: krokkoguy
Queued. Shame that. Who will take over for you?
2016-06-15 06:55:37
Author:krokkoguy Posts: 40
2016-06-15 07:51:58 / Author: nerd_dog
well i'm not sure what's going to happen with it at this point.. but i'm sure there's someone more fitting out. i hope for the best
2016-06-15 07:51:58
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
2016-06-15 17:25:25 / Author: Hanfi1311
Great new music showcase...
Of course added some songs to the LBF Music Gallery: And Thanks to Little-Big-Playe for recording the songs of CoffeeChugger94 and Kronos__NL... |
2016-06-15 17:25:25
Author:Hanfi1311 Posts: 210
2016-06-15 21:09:23 / Author: mdkd
Will give it a try.
2016-06-15 21:09:23
Author:mdkd Posts: 1856
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