LittleBigPlanet Vita
[LBPV] Chdonga: Sonic and the ultimate machine (FILM)
Archive: 1 posts
2016-06-13 16:36:20 / Author: mdkd
Hey guys,
I have played a nice level called Sonic and the ultimate machine. It was made by Chdonga. It's about the fight of Sonic and Eggman. It is really interesting and like 13 minutes long. Here is the level link: Here is the level discription: Eggman has created a deadly machine capable of replicating anything it sees! It is up to our plucky hero Sonic and his valiant sidekick Tails to stop this monstrocity before chaos ensues! (Genre: Action Adventure/Estimated time: 10 min And here is a video in good (but not perfect) quality. The audio was captured directly with a MP3 link cable, the video with my DSLR. I tried my best. Here: Thank you. |
2016-06-13 16:36:20
Author:mdkd ![]() Posts: 1856
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