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Archive: 10 posts
2016-04-15 02:43:34 / Author: ratalsoni(1)
Okay so I am working on a puzzle game that requires moving around from tile to tile as way of level progression.
I have been trying to build a system to move similar to that of Tevlon1's "Tiles" level. If you know how to do this or have any suggestions, I am in dire need of assistance. |
2016-04-15 02:43:34
Author:ratalsoni(1) ![]() Posts: 39
2016-04-15 05:31:09 / Author: mdkd
I am not quite sure, which part you mean, but I'll play the level first. Maybe I get answers.
2016-04-15 05:31:09
Author:mdkd ![]() Posts: 1856
2016-04-16 15:49:29 / Author: ratalsoni(1)
So I did get a very rudimentary system built to move an object between titles, however it isn't too accurate.
I used sequencers with movers that just push the ball in one direction for a few fractions of a second, the only trouble is that it doesn't always stop right on the tile. |
2016-04-16 15:49:29
Author:ratalsoni(1) ![]() Posts: 39
2016-04-17 04:01:11 / Author: mdkd
So it should move in a grid?
2016-04-17 04:01:11
Author:mdkd ![]() Posts: 1856
2016-04-17 17:14:31 / Author: ratalsoni(1)
Yes, I would like to get an object to move in a perfect grid without using a bunch of different tags. |
2016-04-17 17:14:31
Author:ratalsoni(1) ![]() Posts: 39
2016-04-18 08:32:36 / Author: mdkd
Use the grid at the start menu. Choose medium and place markers or however they are called in english on a invisible sticker plate or a natural invisible material and make it a ghost material. Now place a marker on that place, where the tile should land or move to. On the tile you have to make a microchip in the middle and than a follower and the rest is, what you want to do.
2016-04-18 08:32:36
Author:mdkd ![]() Posts: 1856
2016-04-19 04:31:46 / Author: ratalsoni(1)
I am toying around with followers, the trouble is that I have so many tags.
Anyways I figured something out tat is good enough, thanks for the help! |
2016-04-19 04:31:46
Author:ratalsoni(1) ![]() Posts: 39
2016-04-19 07:28:50 / Author: mdkd
You don't need much tags.
Like one or so. You can also use the emiter and emit a marker. |
2016-04-19 07:28:50
Author:mdkd ![]() Posts: 1856
2016-06-22 16:28:09 / Author: Tynz21
For grid movement in minimizing the logic you should just use a mover triggered for a certain period of time. I don't remember the exact distances but I think one 4x4 unit of small grid moved at a speed of 1 for 1 second will end up one 4x4 small grid space away..I could be wrong though, it just needs some playing around. If you don't want that, you can set up a grid of invisible tags (all the sane tag) and a horizontal and vertical selector for the rows and columns with and gates for each tag. Then your block will just have a follows of that one tag. This is much more thermo intensive though.
2016-06-22 16:28:09
Author:Tynz21 ![]() Posts: 89
2016-06-22 22:51:28 / Author: krokkoguy
Also, note that diagonal movement such as 4x and 4y simultaniously travels the distance of 4 diagonally, so it's off the grid. Remember to only let it move on the x-axis when it is not moving along the y-axis, and vice versa.
For one "block" of movement, IIRC, connect a timer set to 0.1 and countdown, to an advanced mover set to speed 100. One timer for each direction. For joystick movement ongrid, connect the up-down input to a direction splitter, then each output set to a timer set to speed, and the output to reset the timer. Now, connect the two timers back into a direction combiner. This now goes into the up-down direction of the "block" movement you just made. Repeat for left-to-right movement. I'll post a picture when i get back home. |
2016-06-22 22:51:28
Author:krokkoguy ![]() Posts: 40
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