Hello Jell-o!
Archive: 8 posts
2016-04-04 00:56:14 / Author: Artistic_Forumer24
Howdy, name's Artistic_Forumer (AKA, Artistic_Trash). I'm really not comfortable sharing my age, location, and real name, but you can go by A.T.
I STRIVE to find any rare item in any way, shape, or form. I'm (KINDOF) good at decorating stuff in pods. I have a (KINDOF) Good looking Garden-themed pod. I hope i can have a good time here in the |
2016-04-04 00:56:14
Author:Artistic_Forumer24 Posts: 3
2016-04-04 03:33:58 / Author: SakuraLBPDragonX
Hello A.T, nice to meet you! Welcome to ! Hope you enjoy your stay! =3
2016-04-04 03:33:58
Author:SakuraLBPDragonX Posts: 569
2016-04-04 14:08:03 / Author: sackboy206
Welcome to the Forum Artistic! Enjoy your stay
2016-04-04 14:08:03
Author:sackboy206 Posts: 84
2016-04-04 16:43:00 / Author: DoxVox
2016-04-04 16:43:00
Author:DoxVox Posts: 1
2016-04-04 18:38:31 / Author: VictorCoolman
Welcome, and enjoy your stay
2016-04-04 18:38:31
Author:VictorCoolman Posts: 47
2016-04-06 11:16:22 / Author: FreddyFerrari
Welcome !
2016-04-06 11:16:22
Author:FreddyFerrari Posts: 853
2016-04-07 22:57:03 / Author: Demon
test |
2016-04-07 22:57:03
Author:Demon Posts: 132
2016-04-09 10:54:56 / Author: DeKa1357
Welcome to LBF!
2016-04-09 10:54:56
Author:DeKa1357 Posts: 1806
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