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Karting Discussion
Is LBPK Worth Getting?
Archive: 10 posts
2016-02-02 18:52:30 / Author: HungryBoy02
I have Lbp1 Lbp2 And Lbp3 Is LBPK Worth it? it looks really fun.
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2016-02-02 18:52:30
Author:HungryBoy02 ![]() Posts: 12
2016-02-03 07:12:10 / Author: Trayvargus
Unfortunately in my opinion it didn't live up to its pre-release hype :/ However, I still got it and it is a great play with a very challenging create mode and poor internet functions. If your a fan of the LBP series then you are sure to enjoy it :p
2016-02-03 07:12:10
Author:Trayvargus ![]() Posts: 62
2016-02-03 16:29:59 / Author: HungryBoy02
so it's worth buying? cool! i've seen cormicals (that spelling lol) and it looks really fun but thanks! ![]() |
2016-02-03 16:29:59
Author:HungryBoy02 ![]() Posts: 12
2016-02-03 17:21:22 / Author: Klepto the Kitten
2016-02-03 17:21:22
Author:Klepto the Kitten ![]() Posts: 14
2016-02-03 20:20:01 / Author: HungryBoy02
i concur. i've been watching videos on it and now i know that it's a game worth getting, anyways im gonna get it now, you guys don't have to post here anymore. (on this thread) |
2016-02-03 20:20:01
Author:HungryBoy02 ![]() Posts: 12
2016-02-03 20:22:51 / Author: Klepto the Kitten
You're making a big mistake.
2016-02-03 20:22:51
Author:Klepto the Kitten ![]() Posts: 14
2016-02-05 13:19:22 / Author: five-ate-five
It's fun but community is dead and create is way too hard. Story is great but AI is bad. It feel unfair sometimes.
2016-02-05 13:19:22
Author:five-ate-five ![]() Posts: 69
2016-02-05 14:38:46 / Author: HungryBoy02
umm why can't i go online... the reason i got this is cuz all my friends have it and we were gonna all race... but it just keeps saying somthing like lost connection to game servers.
2016-02-05 14:38:46
Author:HungryBoy02 ![]() Posts: 12
2016-05-14 06:24:00 / Author: TAPFS
That's the same problem I have with my copy of the game unfortunately, and it's a big factor for why I've stopped playing it. Have you bought it digitally? If so, then you should probably look into getting a refund. Just like Skate 3 on Xbox 360, which is another digital game I've bought and been burned with for having broken online features due to updates, LBPK got a patch that only the physical copy got which prevents digital copies from playing online. Unfortunately, for both of these games, it seems no patch to fix the digital versions will ever be issued so both are permanently broken when it comes to online play, and this has killed a large part of the community that played the digital version of the game which has lead the game to lose a ton of its audience and fade into obscurity. I miss playing it online, but I really don't want to rebuy another copy of a game I already own just to play it online again and I wouldn't advise you to do that either. |
2016-05-14 06:24:00
Author:TAPFS ![]() Posts: 4
2018-11-08 16:08:49 / Author: L-i-m-i
I would say yes cause I love little big planet, but no cause the servers are gone. There is talk of a 3rd party server resurrection, but it sounds spooky
2018-11-08 16:08:49
Author:L-i-m-i ![]() Posts: 47
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