LittleBigPlanet 3
LBP 3 PS3 - PS4
Archive: 3 posts
2016-01-03 17:37:54 / Author: Sharfik1995
Hello. again...
I want buy LBP3 for PS4. I already making level level on PS3 version. Can i import this level to ps4? and how |
2016-01-03 17:37:54
Author:Sharfik1995 ![]() Posts: 100
2016-01-03 18:01:14 / Author: Indomitus1973
You can transfer it. Make it locked, and a sublevel, and publish it on your Earth. Because it is a sublevel, nobody can see it except you. Start LBP3 on PS4 and copy it to your moon, then you can delete it off your Earth. I have both PS3 and PS4 and I transfer this way all the time, in both directions.
2016-01-03 18:01:14
Author:Indomitus1973 ![]() Posts: 75
2016-01-03 18:32:13 / Author: Sharfik1995
Wow, thanks, good strat IMO |
2016-01-03 18:32:13
Author:Sharfik1995 ![]() Posts: 100
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