LittleBigPlanet Vita
Brainstorm & Projects
Battle with Zombies - Sandstorm [TopDown Shooter]
Archive: 1 posts
2015-12-17 13:56:59 / Author: mdkd
the minigame Battle with Zombies changed a lot at all this years. It gets 2 years old. Everytime I promissed, that the big update comes out soon. I tried it many times. But it was big. So I canceled it. At my newstest level 'Sandstorm' you play as Sackboy again. You are in the desert, the zombies are still there. You have to kill them of course. However, the shop will come. And it does have many features. Perks, weapons and with a later update a big help like a mortar strike or something. 3 weapons, 5 perks and 3 big helps right now. A MP with a high firerate, a burst pistol and a cylinder loaded gun, which is strong. At the perks we have the following: Quickfoot, fast hands, antj pain-vest, big bags and tradesman A good list, I think. I also improved the menu a little bit. The start menu. A new option: Should the character automaticly turn, or not? You change now. And the music can be loud, quiet and turned off for the sounds. The sound will be dynamic, but not surround sound. Both channels will bd used fof the sounds. For example a exploding grenade close to you is loud and one far away is almost noiseless. Anothed point: Yes, the level will be published as BETA, but the shop will be included in that version. But not the big helps. And the wave system will be optimized and published with the final version. pictures: I really wanted to update this thread. And that was it. I hope this three pictures are enough for the first time. See ya later. |
2015-12-17 13:56:59
Author:mdkd ![]() Posts: 1856
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