LittleBigPlanet 3
Troll Landia 4
Archive: 8 posts
2015-12-14 18:58:38 / Author: Littebiglazer28
I published a new level, it's part of my series known as Troll Landia, where you avoid traps as best as you can. I've been making these since LBP2 and decided to publish the fourth now. It's short, but after you played the level you'll understand why. Either way, I hope you enjoy! LBP.ME Link: |
2015-12-14 18:58:38
Author:Littebiglazer28 Posts: 12
2015-12-15 19:11:57 / Author: Sound Friction
Very original |
2015-12-15 19:11:57
Author:Sound Friction Posts: 437
2015-12-15 21:18:26 / Author: Littebiglazer28
I'm hoping that wasn't sarcasm, thanks! |
2015-12-15 21:18:26
Author:Littebiglazer28 Posts: 12
2015-12-17 10:22:59 / Author: Sound Friction
Hint: it was |
2015-12-17 10:22:59
Author:Sound Friction Posts: 437
2015-12-18 06:23:48 / Author: Klepto the Kitten
Pardon my ignorance, but what is a troll? I keep seeing that term thrown around on the internet, but I can't quite figure out what it means. If someone could enlighten me, I'd be forever in your debt.
2015-12-18 06:23:48
Author:Klepto the Kitten Posts: 14
2015-12-18 10:47:15 / Author: Littebiglazer28 Check the site out and you will know everything Also if you come across this picture, It's the symbol of a troll. Known as trollface. Uhh.. I don't know what you mean. |
2015-12-18 10:47:15
Author:Littebiglazer28 Posts: 12
2015-12-23 22:21:15 / Author: Klepto the Kitten Check the site out and you will know everything Also if you come across this picture, It's the symbol of a troll. Known as trollface. Uhh.. I don't know what you mean. Wow, that's just terrible! Who would do such a thing? I've received word that trolls lurk around these very forums. Do you think it's true? I'd like to think that the LBF community is much too friendly to engage in such uncivil behavior, but I've come to fear the worst. |
2015-12-23 22:21:15
Author:Klepto the Kitten Posts: 14
2016-02-05 15:44:39 / Author: pate59 Check the site out and you will know everything Also if you come across this picture, It's the symbol of a troll. Known as trollface. Uhh.. I don't know what you mean. Wow, that's just terrible! Who would do such a thing? I've received word that trolls lurk around these very forums. Do you think it's true? I'd like to think that the LBF community is much too friendly to engage in such uncivil behavior, but I've come to fear the worst. Don't let them mislead you. That article is not ture at all. Trolls do not exist. Memes don't exist either. |
2016-02-05 15:44:39
Author:pate59 Posts: 362
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