LittleBigPlanet 3
Kaiju Kombat 2-3
Archive: 4 posts
2015-11-07 06:21:20 / Author: Girps
Every wanted to beat up your friends throw buildings at them, destroy a city, and be a giant fire breathing monster? Well now you can do all that and more! I present to you Kaiju kombat! A competitive fighting game containing 3 maps, 6 monsters, and 2-3 player co op. Each character has their own unique combos, energy attacks, and specials! Each map has their own environmental hazards and themes that you must learn to both evade and exploit! Each map drops random 4 power ups that helps your monster heal, regenerate energy, call an airstrike, and earn specials!
2015-11-07 06:21:20
Author:Girps Posts: 37
2015-11-10 21:56:15 / Author: DeKa1357
Cool trailer!
2015-11-10 21:56:15
Author:DeKa1357 Posts: 1806
2015-11-11 18:12:08 / Author: Indomitus1973
Looks cool. Queued.
2015-11-11 18:12:08
Author:Indomitus1973 Posts: 75
2015-11-18 08:27:33 / Author: Sandro8708
2015-11-18 08:27:33
Author:Sandro8708 Posts: 705
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