Hi - looking for online friends just starting out with the game (LBP3)
Archive: 1 posts
2014-12-29 15:01:00 / Author: Derby2P
Hi all. Just got a PS4 and LBP3. I had a great time completing the original LBP on PS3 - as then, I am looking for online friends to complete together (for 100%).
If you are in a similar situation to me and want to go through the game and enjoy it rather than a mad race to the finish - please will you add me. My PSN is Derby2P. I also like to play GTA5 online too - but I don't know anyone with a PS4 and I find the players online less than team spirited! Thanks, Mike. |
2014-12-29 15:01:00
Author:Derby2P Posts: 1
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