LittleBigPlanet Vita
Ace Adventurer
Archive: 4 posts
2015-09-19 18:40:40 / Author: XZombieKing1999X
I am anĀ impatient, lackadaisical trophy hunter who wants to know before he wastes all day on one trophy, the answer to a simple question.
My question is forĀ the LittleBigPlanet 3 "Ace Adventurer" trophy; do I have to ace ALL levels or just the main story levels? Thanks, Steven/ZK/Cyb3rTron1c |
2015-09-19 18:40:40
Author:XZombieKing1999X Posts: 416
2015-09-20 03:02:35 / Author: DiamondDiancie10
Just the main story levels!
I hope this helps! |
2015-09-20 03:02:35
Author:DiamondDiancie10 Posts: 516
2015-09-22 12:44:22 / Author: XZombieKing1999X
YEESSS. I've been doing every single level. XD |
2015-09-22 12:44:22
Author:XZombieKing1999X Posts: 416
2015-09-27 22:36:56 / Author: mdkd
Actually it's in the LBP Vita categorie.
You got help, so I'm out. |
2015-09-27 22:36:56
Author:mdkd Posts: 1856
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