LittleBigPlanet 3
Copper Mine
Archive: 4 posts
2015-09-09 04:02:23 / Author: dakrrs
Copper Mine The long wait is finally over. This level is now complete! Before you start mining... (*)Best with one player (*)May have minor/moderate lag on PS3 (*)Look for ore veins. They look like bronze cracks on the walls. These can be mined for points. (*)For those interested in a story, just take a moment to read the documents. For those not interested, simply pass by. (*)Look for secret areas as some contain rare materials. There are 5 in total. (*)There is one Easter Egg in this level. For those who've played my other levels, you'll know what to find. This one gives points to ALL players. Screen caps Enjoy! Level Link |
2015-09-09 04:02:23
Author:dakrrs Posts: 561
2015-09-09 16:33:16 / Author: SakuraLBPDragonX
Wow! Yay, you finished =3 Looks awesome! Definitely queued!
2015-09-09 16:33:16
Author:SakuraLBPDragonX Posts: 569
2015-09-09 16:36:30 / Author: jhonsiak
Great level! Nice simple design with an amazing plot. One of your best levels!
2015-09-09 16:36:30
Author:jhonsiak Posts: 1535
2015-09-09 22:29:54 / Author: nerd_dog
queued up, man!
2015-09-09 22:29:54
Author:nerd_dog Posts: 1483
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