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Archive: 4 posts
2015-01-20 12:46:00 / Author: Mhx Air
My name is Mhx Air, (Mechs for those trying to pronounce nonlexical words by letter).
I'm a 21 year old indie game developer, and I've played every LBP game since LBP1 was released (besides Vita). I took an interest in LBP sackbot programming because it didn't require any knowledge of a coding language, and I wouldn't have to rely on a development team to finish a game. For example, I used to code C++ and LUA and make PSP homebrew games. However, my team was severely unreliable due to school and laziness. I dropped my PSP projects, tried Android and published a small game with the main dev called Space Squad. It was nothing HD, it was a Super Nintendo style arcade shooter with split team ships. I then began creating games for iOS and PC, but never got finished due to low memory causing high lag. I can't even guarentee this link will work. Diamondsion Assault was my biggest idea ever. It had thousands of plays within the couple months I released test updates. Now on LBP 3, I have begun recreating and vastly improving Diamondsion Assault in a level series called Tactix Reborn. This game has been in Alpha, just started a week ago, only with maybe 38 hours of work into it. So far it has hit over 500 plays and a decent amount of yays and hearts. I'm hoping to release a big Free DLC project, and in hopes another dev team will help me finally release Diamondsion Assault in HD 3D for PlayStation consoles. Being a successful developer is my life's dream and I hope it can become my career. |
2015-01-20 12:46:00
Author:Mhx Air ![]() Posts: 67
2015-01-20 14:59:00 / Author: SakuraLBPDragonX
Hey there!
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Very nice story intro ! ^^ ![]() |
2015-01-20 14:59:00
Author:SakuraLBPDragonX ![]() Posts: 569
2015-01-21 00:53:00 / Author: nerd_dog
welcome dude!
2015-01-21 00:53:00
Author:nerd_dog ![]() Posts: 1483
2015-01-21 04:48:00 / Author: Biorogue
Howdy! Welcome to LBF!
2015-01-21 04:48:00
Author:Biorogue ![]() Posts: 580
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