Other Stuff
Forum Games
The Matter of Fluff
Archive: 16 posts
2015-08-28 20:20:02 / Author: Hamster_fluff
Why, hawo! You have been called into a meeting of stuffs. Very serious! :3
Well, as you know, we three are but simple furry, fluffy beings. I'm fluffy, Enzo is fluffy, nerd_dog is fluffy, But who is fluffier!? I don't know. So that's why I have called you guys in. TO DISCCUS THE MATTER OF FLUFF! For the next... How long this will take, you and I will talk about how in very describable ways, examples and stories on how long and soft our fluffiness is. So, How the Game Works! each player has a bar, where when whoever's turn it is, the story they say is rated by the other players. If they think it is good, they give a %5 rating. bad, and they give a %1. Very awesome, and give %10. Be honest, now! The two players rating have to agree on Bad, Good, or Awesome. Once some Fluffy One's bar is filled to %!00, they will have the longest fluff. WHO EVER'S FLUFF IS LONGER, WILL BE NAMED THE CHAMPION OF FLUFF! Daaaah, daaah, DAAAAAAAAAH! Dun dun duuun...! Oh, and The Rules! (Can't forget those...) Rule number... 1. It must be real stories. Real stuffs that you have gone through on anything. LBF, Sackinima, Twitter, real life... BUT nothing made up! (Especially qualifies to YOU, nerd_dog!) 2. You must describe your story VERY WELL, so that the other competitors can know of your fluffiness. 3. Be %100 true about how you feel about the other Fluffy One's story. NO CHEATING ALOUD. 4. Do not get upset if you loose. AND do not be a snob if you win. We don't want our relationships to go downhill. This is a fun game between Enzo the Cat, nerd_dog, and me. So... Let's have some fun! |
2015-08-28 20:20:02
Author:Hamster_fluff ![]() Posts: 140
2015-08-28 22:16:15 / Author: Enzo the Cat
My friend (owner and ceo of Fluffington Times) gave me a 10/10 on fluff texture. He described it as a furry blanket that feels smooth if rub it one way, but rough if you rub it the other way. He also gave me a seven out of ten on overall fluff.
2015-08-28 22:16:15
Author:Enzo the Cat ![]() Posts: 40
2015-08-29 05:03:54 / Author: Hamster_fluff
Woah... And this is true? Uhmmuh... I'd say... 5%! nerd_dog, what do you think?
2015-08-29 05:03:54
Author:Hamster_fluff ![]() Posts: 140
2015-08-30 04:26:10 / Author: Enzo the Cat
It's true. If I was lying I'd say he gave me a 8/10!
2015-08-30 04:26:10
Author:Enzo the Cat ![]() Posts: 40
2015-08-30 06:50:01 / Author: DiamondDiancie10
Yes yes, you are all fluffy, now may I get out... THE WAX!
2015-08-30 06:50:01
Author:DiamondDiancie10 ![]() Posts: 516
2015-08-30 14:50:23 / Author: Enzo the Cat
![]() |
2015-08-30 14:50:23
Author:Enzo the Cat ![]() Posts: 40
2015-08-30 17:34:18 / Author: DiamondDiancie10
I was just kidding... heheh... May your fluff grow long and luxuriously.
2015-08-30 17:34:18
Author:DiamondDiancie10 ![]() Posts: 516
2015-08-31 20:25:50 / Author: nerd_dog
i would give it a 5% as well.
who's turn is it now? lol |
2015-08-31 20:25:50
Author:nerd_dog ![]() Posts: 1483
2015-08-31 22:10:35 / Author: Enzo the Cat
Still yours.
2015-08-31 22:10:35
Author:Enzo the Cat ![]() Posts: 40
2015-09-01 19:58:55 / Author: nerd_dog
hmm. well.. I've always really liked animals.. and cute animal related drawings. grew up watching a lot of cartoons and have always like the ones that had cute animal characters. years ago (way before lbp) i had named my cat "nerd dog" because.. well.. why not lol. when i started a psn account, i basically stole my cats name (sorry nerd lol) and wasn't really an animal character at first.. but over time.. i decided to make this character of everything i like.. still based off of myself but also my favorite animals fox and cats. i'm green because green is my favorite color. i think my character is a reflection of my personality. both cats and foxes can be sort of shy creatures and cats can also be very loving.. and sometimes vicious. i think this really reflects who i am.
i don't necessarily think of myself as "furry". i just like being fluffy xD. I've also found that i do get along fairly well with others that do call themselves "furry". i just am who i am and i'm not really trying to fit in with a crowd of fluffy people or anything lol. anywho, that's my real and honest fluffy story |
2015-09-01 19:58:55
Author:nerd_dog ![]() Posts: 1483
2015-09-01 22:15:38 / Author: Enzo the Cat
I'm and tears and I don't know why! 100%! 100%!
2015-09-01 22:15:38
Author:Enzo the Cat ![]() Posts: 40
2015-09-02 06:52:40 / Author: Hamster_fluff
Oh my god, Enzo! You didn't read the rules, did you? You think it's awesome, don't you? Well, the highest score is 10%. So, 10% for nerd_dog!
Enzo (5%) nerd_dog (10%) Aright, my turn... Once, on LBP2, I saw a creator that I though was cool. His name? Munchy598. After a while of commenting on his profile, he decided to add me. I was over joyed. Ever time I played with him, he'd always say I was SUPER fluffy. (He was correct.) He'd always then play the meme from Despicable Me 'IT'S SO FLUFFY I'M GONNA DIE!!!' He thought I was the most fluffy thing on earth. Then he said that that's why he added me. That's my story. (BUT! We have to remember, we have to have multiple stories, or we're not capable of ultimate fluff.) |
2015-09-02 06:52:40
Author:Hamster_fluff ![]() Posts: 140
2015-09-04 06:53:54 / Author: nerd_dog
you are very fluffy indeed. you get da 10%
2015-09-04 06:53:54
Author:nerd_dog ![]() Posts: 1483
2015-09-15 20:42:48 / Author: Hamster_fluff
Enzo, you needz to do stuffs.
2015-09-15 20:42:48
Author:Hamster_fluff ![]() Posts: 140
2015-10-13 23:20:51 / Author: Enzo the Cat
Dear my fluffy friends,
I would like to apologize for my absence on this forum. I have recently broke my paw and this matter makes it hard to play Little Big Planet. I apologize especially to you fluffy. I know this game means a lot to you. But this forum game shall not be delayed again! ![]() ![]() I like to make my sackboy as accurate as possible (you should see my popit, its just cats in suits). But recently (after struggling to jump over a tiny spike in lbp), I felt that something was off. So, to make it as accurate as possible, I covered myself with fluff (it was actually cobwebs)! There. Accurate as possible. So then I launched one of my favorite levels (it was Spy Don't Die by Khodex i think). I have played this level many times before, but this time, my fluff made the level crash! I guess lbp cant handle my fluff! |
2015-10-13 23:20:51
Author:Enzo the Cat ![]() Posts: 40
2015-11-24 05:31:23 / Author: Hamster_fluff
I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Ever since LBF changed, I just haven't wanted to go on. I am now almost always on Sackinima Forums. Thanks for being a friend, Enzo. I'd love it if you could go on Sackinima. See you. (soon?)
2015-11-24 05:31:23
Author:Hamster_fluff ![]() Posts: 140
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