LittleBigPlanet Vita
How do i contact Staff?
Archive: 2 posts
2015-08-22 10:23:39 / Author: GlaceAce20
Well i'm actually waiting for someone to tell my how to contact Staff/Send message to LBF
I'll tell you my question i want to ask to LBF/Staff... "Hello Staff/LBF! I would like ask you a question. Poeple that record video's for Youtube get "Videocurator" on there profile. Well i record video's to. And post them in Youtube. So do i have to do something.. To get "Videocurator"? |
2015-08-22 10:23:39
Author:GlaceAce20 Posts: 45
2015-08-22 13:20:56 / Author: Hanfi1311
DK answered in the other thread, just write them a private message: Or you can use the feedback form here, but then they can't answer you: |
2015-08-22 13:20:56
Author:Hanfi1311 Posts: 210
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