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LBF Music
Music Requests

Music for my Champion of Avengard Adv. Level

Archive: 1 posts
2015-08-18 15:06:17 / Author: Verbal83

I am starting to work on the music aspect of my adventure level. I'm hoping that I can fill it with all original music. That's where all of you amazing music creators come in. 

I am looking for cinematic type scores on the style of something like Lord of the Rings. If you have any music that may fit the mold I'd be estatic to check it out by directing me to your galleries.

This level is on a grand scale when it comes to story and quality and I want the same for the music. You can check out the Thread created for this level here...

Champion of Avengard Thread

The second video on the thread has music of the like I'm looking for to help serve as an example.
2015-08-18 15:06:17
Posts: 16
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