LBF Music
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Archive: 25 posts
2015-08-10 21:54:48 / Author: Subtact
2015-08-10 21:54:48
Author:Subtact ![]() Posts: 4
2015-08-11 17:04:21 / Author: nerd_dog
Hey there again lol. glad to see you back, dude.
2015-08-11 17:04:21
Author:nerd_dog ![]() Posts: 1483
2015-08-11 17:23:45 / Author: Woutery
omg did i inspire you to do this
also person above hates you!!! |
2015-08-11 17:23:45
Author:Woutery ![]() Posts: 211
2015-08-11 18:42:34 / Author: amiel445566
wait :O are you... are you this person? :OOOO
2015-08-11 18:42:34
Author:amiel445566 ![]() Posts: 127
2015-08-11 20:57:29 / Author: DeKa1357
![]() |
2015-08-11 20:57:29
Author:DeKa1357 ![]() Posts: 1806
2015-08-12 00:39:34 / Author: Subtact
dude idk what inspired me to do this i really just wanted to piss some people off LIKE NERD DOG YEAH DUDE WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH HIM ANYWAY yes i am hello |
2015-08-12 00:39:34
Author:Subtact ![]() Posts: 4
2015-08-12 00:45:07 / Author: XZombieKing1999X
Yes, he is, he used to be a LittleBigPlanet musician but has now moved to the Monstercat Label. I believe he was known as Lil_Morta_7 on LittleBigPlanet. Congratulations, @Subtact!! #Afro |
2015-08-12 00:45:07
Author:XZombieKing1999X ![]() Posts: 416
2015-08-12 00:53:27 / Author: amiel445566
yes i am hello I've been listening to your music since your first release! Welcome to the forum! |
2015-08-12 00:53:27
Author:amiel445566 ![]() Posts: 127
2015-08-12 01:19:15 / Author: Subtact
yes i am hello I've been listening to your music since your first release! Welcome to the forum! lol i've been on LBF for years, i stopped using it a while after i stopped really playing the game. (for obvious reasons) <3 |
2015-08-12 01:19:15
Author:Subtact ![]() Posts: 4
2015-08-19 02:10:01 / Author: x_Emotionless_x
Hey man, sent an message to the email link on your User profile.
2015-08-19 02:10:01
Author:x_Emotionless_x ![]() Posts: 49
2015-08-19 16:35:31 / Author: Woutery
lel_motter i told u a thing on skyp n u dont repli
;_; y |
2015-08-19 16:35:31
Author:Woutery ![]() Posts: 211
2015-08-19 21:14:06 / Author: nerd_dog
wait.. apparently I don't like morta? lol, I've hung out once or twice and he's pretty cool. still have fond memories of making milk come out of his nose.. good times, good times.
also, remember that this is an introductory page not a "y u no skype me??" or a "nard d3rg no like u" thread |
2015-08-19 21:14:06
Author:nerd_dog ![]() Posts: 1483
2015-08-25 03:24:26 / Author: x_Emotionless_x
>Gets ignored
![]() |
2015-08-25 03:24:26
Author:x_Emotionless_x ![]() Posts: 49
2015-08-26 22:30:52 / Author: Subtact
this thread gave me ebola
2015-08-26 22:30:52
Author:Subtact ![]() Posts: 4
2015-08-27 21:43:59 / Author: x_Emotionless_x
I get that people can be cringy af when asking for help, but it's kinda frustrating when someone offers assistance to those who wish to go further with something and then neglects actually helping them. I would understand if it were a time thing, but it seems like if you can find the time to dick around on social media, you can probably respond to an email or two. Just sayin, don't make claims like that if you aren't going to follow through. Just because you're famous doesn't mean you get special treatment from us. I'd certainly appreciate advice from you, and I feel you're success coupled with a few others has opened my eyes to the prospect of music being my career. However, I'm not going to suck your dick like most other people will because of it. If anything else has been keeping you from responding, then I apologize. People make mistakes. None of this is meant in ill will, it's just a honest response with honest intent. |
2015-08-27 21:43:59
Author:x_Emotionless_x ![]() Posts: 49
2015-08-28 13:38:41 / Author: x_Emotionless_x
I understand that people can seem cringy af when asking for help, but it's a bit frustrating when someone offers to assist people in accomplishing their dreams, and then doesn't actually partake in his/her own offer. It would be understandable if it were a management/schedule thing, but if you can find enough time to dick around on social media, you can probably respond to an email or two. All I'm saying is don't make claims you won't actually follow through with. If anything else is keeping you from doing so, I apologize. People make mistakes. None of this is meant with ill will, just an honest response with honest intent. |
2015-08-28 13:38:41
Author:x_Emotionless_x ![]() Posts: 49
2015-08-29 09:48:22 / Author: GoBey0nd
I understand that people can seem cringy af when asking for help, but it's a bit frustrating when someone offers to assist people in accomplishing their dreams, and then doesn't actually partake in his/her own offer. It would be understandable if it were a management/schedule thing, but if you can find enough time to dick around on social media, you can probably respond to an email or two. All I'm saying is don't make claims you won't actually follow through with. If anything else is keeping you from doing so, I apologize. People make mistakes. None of this is meant with ill will, just an honest response with honest intent. Even edited, this still makes me laugh. Gg, emo, Gg no re also, hey Ben |
2015-08-29 09:48:22
Author:GoBey0nd ![]() Posts: 14
2015-08-30 20:22:56 / Author: Woutery
I assume he was joking about helping but uh, i did message him a while ago after finding out he was actually a super popular musician guy and he told me to add him on Skype. And i am in fact disappointed in the fact that he doesn't reply to me stalking him on Skype anymore. :c
2015-08-30 20:22:56
Author:Woutery ![]() Posts: 211
2015-08-30 21:24:08 / Author: x_Emotionless_x
If so, it's the sh*ttiest joke I've heard in awhile. His entire message is an attempt to let people know he can help others out, there's no humor about it. Although, it's probably funny that I actually believed he would give a sh*t about anyone in this community. Keep your promises Ben, or don't make them at all. Taunting people with the possibility of growth isn't cool, it's immature and quite frankly makes you out to be a total douche-canoe. Don't be that guy. |
2015-08-30 21:24:08
Author:x_Emotionless_x ![]() Posts: 49
2015-08-31 19:09:23 / Author: nerd_dog
any further off-topic posts will be deleted by me and reported directly to the admin. Introduction and a warm welcome are all that's necessary here.
@x_Emotionless_x and @Woutery . i already said that this is an introduction thread.. this is harassment. you've both done nothing but prove your immaturity here and have broken many rules. i suggest you take another look at the forum guidelines. |
2015-08-31 19:09:23
Author:nerd_dog ![]() Posts: 1483
2015-08-31 20:00:03 / Author: Demondude16
If that's the case, you should have just removed this thread when it went up, it isn't even an introduction, at the very least move it to the general music chat. Also, I think Woutery and Emotionless' responses were entirely justified, I'd hardly call it harassment. |
2015-08-31 20:00:03
Author:Demondude16 ![]() Posts: 29
2015-08-31 20:32:09 / Author: nerd_dog
No.. This "discussion" violates the rules and common decency (not to mention all the swearing). No one is to show this sort of rudeness to other members.. this is a friendly site.
and this goes for you as well @Demondude16 . your post has nothing to do with the introduction. last warning for everyone. i will not lock an introduction thread needlessly. |
2015-08-31 20:32:09
Author:nerd_dog ![]() Posts: 1483
2015-08-31 21:03:40 / Author: x_Emotionless_x
Accusing one of the violation of forum terms also has no relation to the "introduction" whatsoever ._.
2015-08-31 21:03:40
Author:x_Emotionless_x ![]() Posts: 49
2015-09-04 17:45:50 / Author: nerd_dog
Alright, this thread is unlocked. I shouldn't have to close someone's intro thread. Be sure that your reply is nothing but a warm welcome.
2015-09-04 17:45:50
Author:nerd_dog ![]() Posts: 1483
2015-09-04 18:21:00 / Author: Woutery
Ahh, i'm freezing... oh well, cya Subtact!
2015-09-04 18:21:00
Author:Woutery ![]() Posts: 211
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